I'm having a similar problem as you are nospareball, except with my Pyro. I went from 1500 polished to 2000 Abralon, and the ball smoothed out a ton. It still had some decent length, but not the same bite at the breakpoint. But now the ball is not coming up as hard as it used to, the backend is almost dead it seems. So I hit it with 500 Abralon, dunked it in a hot water bath to extract the oil, and on league night I'm gonna hit it with a 1000 Abralon pad and then polish it. I've polished my Pyro when it was at 2000 once and it gave me that same bite at the breakpoint, it just went incredibly long lol. So I think with more surface and polish to delay the initial move, I have myself the perfect recipe to handle more oil with the same look. Hopefully by Monday I can give you an update.