I have the same issue with the Phaze 2 and the Marvel Pearl as you have mentioned. I know it’s not in the current line, but this is when I bring the RG Hectic out of the bag. May be weaker than what you might be looking for. Pushes further down than the Marvel Pearl and have a great arc to the pocket. When it gets tricky during tournaments, I find myself using the Hectic more than a Pitch Black.
Aptly named, the reaction I have with my pin-up Hectic is very hard to explain. I’m sure others have tried to describe it, but I find it very clean up the front and then very angular yet smooth (<- I know, sounds confusing). To put it in another way, I tried shooting 10 pins with my Hectic and it takes a sharp turn at the end and I have the worst 10 pin conversion rate because it stores all the energy in the back. I always use my Mix for spares but I have much more confidence shooting the 10 pin with a Marvel Pearl or Phaze 2 than a Hectic.