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Author Topic: My Furious Review. Hope someone finds it helpful.  (Read 776 times)


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My Furious Review. Hope someone finds it helpful.
« on: June 17, 2009, 06:31:04 AM »

So my stats are basic. The closest person I can compare myself to is Billy O from Brunswick. My rev rate is 380-420. ball speed is generally 26-28kms. no tilt, my axis rotation is closer to 60 degrees. my pap as of today is 4 inches straight over.

My first impressions of the ball were, its gonna be close to something else in the storm line up. Its better than the street rods because its a better coverstock. Reliable core, with good numbers for average performance. Not too long and not too much flare. I have alot of problems with balls opening up the lane too much in the fronts. I have alot of trouble using anything high end in my home centre.

I watched Britton's videos of the furious a few times and was glad to see him use a long pin layout. 6x4 i think. The ball got through the heads and midlane with absolute easy in his videos and made a smooth move to the pocket and off the spot. Something i wanted very much. My original plan was to drill one of these furious and then drill a second or thrid to work around that.

I went with a 5x4 layout with my pin 2 inches above my midline. Putting the pin for a visual aid below and to the left slightly of my middle finger. basically it looks like label for a lefty.

i went and bowled with the ball on a fresh house condition we have. we are on Brunswick Proanvil that has i think about 6-7 years of use. we use a 41 ft length with brunswick absolute control. We use a medium volume pattern that has screaming backends. Very little hold in the middle of the end of the pattern.

Out of the box the ball was clean through the fronts with decent midlane and the smooth backend i wanted. the ball had good recovery through the puddle and off the dry the ball didn't peel back. But i would have no problem opening the lane up. I was comfortable playing around 19 at the arround to 7, with a nice smooth arch. Ball wasn't really heavy rolling like a dimension i also have.
I thought with some reacta shine this ball would kill the pattern.

So the next day i put reacta shine on the ball and took it out to some open play lanes with carrydown. the ball's reaction was about what i expected, making a move of 2 and 1 with my feet and eyes right. first few shots the ball was very good, and then started to encounter more carrydown. I moved another 2 and 1 right and was again high flush.

Overall i'm in love with this ball. another furious will be instore for me sooner or later. probably with a slightly stronger layout and keeping the box finish. I am not really too keen on pearls generally because of our house shot they become over/under. I am also thinking maybe a furious with a weaker pin at 6 inches but that might be too weak.

Box finish
Clean through the fronts
Fair midlane
smooth backend
Handles the same amount of oil any troad could

Reacta shine
cleaner through the fronts
less midlane
smooth backend with more energy.
smooth shape off the breakpoint
handles screaming backends with more control
doesn't favor carrydown

Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shops
LaSalle, Quebec-Located inside Pont Mercier Lanes.
Edmonton, Alberta. -Located inside Ed''s Rec Room.(WEST ED MALL)
Keep them honest!

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Edited on 6/17/2009 2:56 PM
Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shops
LaSalle, Quebec-Located inside Pont Mercier Lanes.
Keep them honest!

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