This is what I am faced and I am looking for some input please
Been sitting on a Storm X Factor for a few years now 14lbs 2" Pin 4.44 oz TW
Steve K @ Storm suggested a 3.75 x 4.5 x 3.5 which is Pin below ring finger
50 x 3.75 x 72 with my PAP of 4 7/8 and up 3/4
I also own a drilled X Factor from when it was released in 2002 and it's always been good to me on a pretty easy THS pattern. That ball is drilled 5 x 4 x 2.5 or
40 x 4 7/8 x 45 pin above and between fingers.
This ball owns my only 300 and majority of my 700 series. I use it off and on the past two years and it still produces as good as numbers as everything else I own but I find myself using some more current balls with a larger span so it does not get the PT like it use to. It's in great shape and always feels like an old friend.
So, drill up the unpunched X Factor with the above layout suggested by Steve K. which would give me to different looks I am guessing, (pin up and pin down) or look at something more current and put the X Factor aside or sell to fund the new ball.
If a current ball is your choice, what ball would be some what like the X Factor? Byte? Marvel Pearl? IQ Fusion? Anything is Roto maybe?