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Author Topic: My Vertigo is messed up! HELP  (Read 1170 times)


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My Vertigo is messed up! HELP
« on: September 20, 2005, 09:25:14 AM »
First about me... lefty, medium revs, medium speed, track is that of a basic 3/4 roller, right outside of my middle finger and thumb holes.  This ball was drilled with the ring finger drilled somewhat through the pin, the pin is basically right off the bottom left of my ring finger.  The CG is below that, and the RAD ended up being a little to the right of my thumbhole.  ALso, no weight hole.  The ball does nothing but track perfectly over my thumb hole, and just collect more and more oil there, NO TRACK FLARE!  It's not my fault either b/c i have a Heat and Absolute Inferno with the same specs and spans and they roll perfect, not over any holes.  Somebody please write back and give me some advice.  Is it defective, did my drilled seriously F up, what should I do?

Edited on 9/20/2005 5:20 PM



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Re: My Vertigo is messed up! HELP
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2005, 05:30:37 PM »
I had the same problem as you with any pin placement below my fingers, I also tracked very close to my thumb too. I noticed that with people that track very close to their thumb hole, with pin placement under their fingers I will more than likely roll over there thumb.

Heat and Absolute Inferno with the same specs and spans and they roll perfect

How are these balls drilled?

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Edited on 9/20/2005 5:27 PM


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Re: My Vertigo is messed up! HELP
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2005, 09:41:42 AM »
I just got 2 balls drilled up and I am having the same problem. One is a Track Desert heat and the pin is directly in between and under my fingers and the CG is right below that.

The other is a Morich TSA and the pin is in the same location (right under and below my fingers) but the CG is below and to the right and the MB is below and to the right of the CG and below and right of the thumb. Kind of like this,    


Hey, it might be slop but, it all looks the same on the scorecard!!!!!

Edited on 9/21/2005 9:37 AM

Edited on 9/21/2005 9:39 AM


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Re: My Vertigo is messed up! HELP
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2005, 09:42:31 AM »
I just got 2 balls drilled up and I am having the same problem. One is a Track Desert heat and the pin is directly in between and under my fingers and the CG is right below that.

The other is a Morich TSA and the pin is in the same location (right under and below my fingers) but the CG is below and to the right and the MB is below and to the right of the CG and below and right of the thumb. --------------------
Hey, it might be slop but, it all looks the same on the scorecard!!!!!

Hey, it might be slop but, it all looks the same on the scorecard!!!!!

Edited on 9/21/2005 9:36 AM


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Re: My Vertigo is messed up! HELP
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2005, 12:08:22 AM »
Almost sounds like you got a "pro-pin".
Those are a beast to drill.