Hi BillDozer,
For me the Zero is later than the Marvel-s and more off the spot. More of a clean skid snap reaction but seems to do all the right things when you need a solid.
Compared to my Sync its just a whole diff ball. Sync is much earlier and very smooth rolls like you would expect out of a HP solid. The Zero is just a different reaction. Later, stronger down lane, You can keep it in your hands longer before it starts to loose energy.
Others will reply also im sure, but that's what I see compared to the two other solids I take with me

For me the ball just blends out patterns when its time to put the big strong early rollers away but knowing that you would get a over/under reaction with a polished cover. I can grab this one and get it down the lane but still get the hook of a solid.
As you can see in the vid even on used lanes just backing off some and picking up the speed allows this ball to still be useable.