drilled mine yesterday. and shot a 798 with it the first night. the ball is a beast
excellent --- do you have the nano solid? if so what are the differences that you see between the two. also what kind of lay out do you have on the pearl? i possibly may be interested in one?
yes. i do have the nano solid. on it i have 4*4*2. on the pearl i put 4.5*4.5*2.5. i liked the nano a pretty good bit but with my higher rev rate i perfer hybrids or pearls. to be honest the pearl coverstock of the nano pearl reminds me more of a hybrid than a pearl. mainly because of the smooth arc and continuation through the pins. i have to move my feet 4 boards right and my mark 2-3 boards right in order to throw my pearl. i am seriously thinking about getting a second one to be honest. it is easy to make adjusts as the lanes break down and it continues to scold the pocket and rarely leave any ten pins for me. ten pins is actually why i dont like the nano solid. but i mean it is still a great ball
I threw a couple of shots oob witj my nano pearl and it was to responisive to the dry. So i had the pro shop hit it with 4000 abralon with water on the haus.
First 3 game set tonight in league. 224-300-243 for a 767 set
Its about 3 boards weaker than my nano and a foot or so longer before it turns the corner.
Nano and nano pearl make a great 1-2 punch
I like mine as well. I have had it for a while now (40-50 games) and I think it rolls really well. The thing that amazes me about it is I can usually stay in the same place all night. Which probably causes my only dislike. Once I start going high I move 2 and 1 and it just won't recover....But then I can just move deeper with my Bank Pearl. It is definitely not the strongest pearl I have ever thrown but it does roll good. BTW, Layout is 55*x 4.5" x 45. Surface is at 4000. So with a stronger drill it probably would recover just fine from inside angles....Just was worried if I drilled it too strong it would hook out....
I drilled mine to go long and got to try it Wed night. It didn't hook as much as I thought it would but we had carrydown. My Cell pearl worked better mainly because it started up earlier. I was thinking of lightly hitting the surface with a 4000 pad to knock a little of the shine off. I think it will work find if I get some better backed.
Edited by kong1 on 10/16/2011 at 6:32 AM
what layout did you go with???
pin above the bridge and cg an inch right of thumb
i just got my second and third nano pearl drilled yesterday i went with that layout and and the 4*4*1. the 4*4*1 made that ball react just like my cell. i love it
Did you do anything to the surface?
I took a little bit of the shine off with a 4000 pad and the ball rolls much better. Still has plenty of length and reacts more consistaltly.
nope. im a high rev player so i actually like the coverstock finish. im gonna lay out this one that comes in tomorrow a little different and a little weaker then sand the coverstock. so when the lanes break down