The Anarchy comes polished out of the box while the 250k has a matte finish, so bear that in mind if you care about OOB finishes. Beyond that, I got to throw a Mission 250k at an Ebonite demo day, and I own an Anarchy. I have my Anarchy dulled up, and the layouts on the two balls were fairly similar (both had for me the pin over the bridge which is around 5 to 5.5" from my PAP, while the 250k had the MB swung closer to the VAL and my Anarchy has the MB closer to the thumb. The 250k was smoother, but couldn't create the same entry angle as my Anachy, and they felt fairly close in the total number of boards they could cover. I wouldn't say one is necessarily any better than the other -- it's just a matter of what reaction shape you're looking for.