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Author Topic: Nano review by Derek Eoff  (Read 2599 times)


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Nano review by Derek Eoff
« on: March 03, 2011, 01:48:41 AM »

PAP – 5.5 over and 7/8 up


RPM – 500


MPH – 19 


I decided to layout the Nano similar to my Virtual Gravity. The pin is above the middle finger (6” from PAP) with the mass bias in a strong position and no hole. I had a lot of success with the Virtual Gravity so I didn’t want to change much. 


I have had the opportunity to throw the Nano on the WTBA London pattern (44’) on Brunswick Pro Lane surface and a house shot on AMF HPL lane surface.


On the London pattern I compared the Nano to the Marvel. After I got lined up with the Marvel, I went to the Nano and it was easy to see that the Nano definitely had more angle down lane. I ended up 2 boards further left with the Nano than the Marvel. The Marvel was more mid lane and arc while the Nano was mid lane and still had angle down lane. I was pretty impressed because normally on patterns like the London or Shark pattern I would use the Anarchy to create angle down lane. The Nano gave me the best look as it picked up enough to read the long pattern and still had enough energy down lane to hit.


On the house shot I compared the Nano to the Virtual Gravity and Invasion. In this center I have been using the Invasion with a lot of success recently so I was excited to use the Nano. 


The Nano did not disappoint as I bowled 762 in league last week. I played the lanes three boards deeper with the Nano than with the Invasion and never lost hitting power. In past weeks I have been able to use the Invasion or Marvel for the first couple of games before having to go to the Victory   Road or Anarchy to create more angle down lane. This week I was able to use the Nano all three games and bowled 279 the last game. 


Comparing the Nano to the Virtual Gravity, the Nano definitely had more hitting power down lane. I could still get to the pocket in the same spot on the lane with the Virtual Gravity as the Nano, but I left a variety of weak 10 pins with the Virtual Gravity as it just did not have the extra kick the Nano does down lane.


For me, I can get caught in between balls due to my high rev rate. Many times the Virtual Gravity and Invasion hooked too much forcing me too far inside or to use weaker balls. The problem is, the weaker balls create angle down lane which I don't need on fresh patterns and results in an over/under ball reaction. The great thing about the Nano is for aggressive as it is, it still creates angle down lane allowing me to control the mid lane without losing any hitting power down lane. 


The Nano will be best suited for heavier volume patterns or medium length patterns on the fresh, such as your standard house patterns and patterns like the Open Championships Team event or Masters (just ask Tom Hess).


If you liked the Virtual Gravity and are looking for something similar with a little more hitting power, the Nano will be a great choice. 



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Re: Nano review by Derek Eoff
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2011, 11:49:06 AM »
Yeah, but that 762 was good for third low on the team pal




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Re: Nano review by Derek Eoff
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2011, 12:08:52 PM »
The lefty doesn't count.  The Nano must have made them easier for you as it was your high set of the year.  Just another reason everyone should get the Nano, not only is it good, it makes the lanes better for your teammates. :)


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Re: Nano review by Derek Eoff
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2011, 01:33:26 PM »
it's kind of funny to see you usbc boys poke fun with each other over the internet when you work in the same building.

nice job in the masters again erik.

missed you in the masters this year derek. what happened?


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Re: Nano review by Derek Eoff
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2011, 02:11:53 PM »
I would have loved to bowl the Masters again, but I didn't have the time available this year.