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Author Topic: Nano vs Nexus  (Read 4210 times)


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Nano vs Nexus
« on: January 17, 2012, 10:00:39 PM »
I have been using mostly Brunswick stuff for the past few years.  I have NEVER owned a Storm ball.
I sure see a lot of Nano and Nano pearls on the ball returns these days.


Can anyone give me a clue in the difference between a Nano solid and a Nexus solid? 




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Re: Nano vs Nexus
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2012, 09:32:30 AM »
should be cleaner thru the fronts than the nano, & still maintains great energy for the mid-lane & backend. for me the nexus is a 3 & 2 move stronger than my lethal revolver. if you like brunswick already, you would not be disappointed with the nexus solid.


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Re: Nano vs Nexus
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2012, 09:47:35 AM »
On the PBA shows they gave the Nano Pearl a hook rating of 10 while the Nexus Solid a 9.8. That would give the Nano Solid around a 10.3 then I am guessing. From what I've noticed, it seems like the Brunswick guys use the Nexus Solid when you see a Frantic or Hy-Road working.
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Re: Nano vs Nexus
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2012, 10:13:49 AM »
I have the Nano Solid and wouldn't give it up for anything. I simply LOVE that ball.


I haven't seen anyone throw the Nexus solid, but have seen the Pearl being thrown, and all I can say about the Nexus Pearl is .... WOW .... That ball hits and carrys extremely well.


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Re: Nano vs Nexus
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2012, 10:52:38 AM »
I'm a Brunswick guy as well.  The Storm VG Nano was the first Storm ball I had ever owned and I was very, very impressed; especially on tougher/longer/sport conditions.  I've seen friends throw the Nexus Solid and I think I have the better ball. 

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Re: Nano vs Nexus
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2012, 11:10:37 AM »
Im impressed by both...there is quite a bit of hype for both as well...but im sure in total ball sales there is more nanos than nexi.....


At the same time, you say you love very sure that the nexus is/was designed to compete or outdo the nano, or atleast give the brunswick guys a ball that is similar to the nano.  I wouldnt change a thing, get the nexus to compliment your other brunswick stuff.



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Re: Nano vs Nexus
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2012, 11:31:51 AM »
Up until around 1999-2000, I was a 100% Brunswick guy. Since then I have dabbled in Storm, Ebonite, Lane 1, and AMF. During this time I have only owned 2 more Brunswick balls (Absolute Inferno and Twisted Fury Pearl), like them both with the Fury Pearl being the favorite of the two. Other than those 2 balls, nothing from Brunswick really impressed me until now at which time I am overly impressed with the Nexus Pearl and from what I have heard and read, I wouldn't shy away from the Nexus solid. As posted earlier, I have the Nano Solid and LOVE it and see a lot of Nano Pearls and it seems everyone loves those Nano Pearls as much as I love my solid. If I were buying a pearl tomorrow, it would be a tough decision for me in choosing between the Nano Pearl and the Nexus Pearl.


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Re: Nano vs Nexus
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2012, 10:45:43 AM »
 I have thrown the solid and pearl versions of both. And I prefer the shape of the nexus series. They are Brunswick balls, so they perform better at lower grits in my opinion. But ball for ball, my nexus solid just hit harder than a nano pearl. Brunswick is great on wood lanes, and Storm rolls better on synthetic in my opinion. When I took my nexus solid to 500 grit, it took allowed me to play up the ob or swinging the left ditch on the scorpion shot. Also went to a tournament with a flat 3 board to 3 board shot and the only ball I could use was my nexus solid.

As for the rating of the balls on the pba, it is subjective to each player. That is why the natural is a 4 for osku, and not even worth mentioning for jack jurek bc the number is lower.

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Re: Nano vs Nexus
« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2012, 11:07:54 AM »
 The Nano (solid and pearl) are storms oilers. They are strong in the mids and smooth on the backend, not weak just smooth. The Nexus balls were designed to push downlane and save more energy to the backend. It all depends on what you are looking for. I think the nexus balls are something special and more usable on league conditions where as the nanos tend to be too strong up front to be usable meaning that you'll throw the nexuses on a wider variety of patterns. Here and yet again, depends on what you're looking for.