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Author Topic: Need a new ball Shift/Secret  (Read 3650 times)


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Need a new ball Shift/Secret
« on: July 09, 2007, 02:04:16 PM »
Med speed, med rev tweener/stroker.  4-1/4 pin to pap on my Inferno and Trauma ER.  Over the last 2 years I've bought a Rule GP2 and Infinite One.  I don't like either of these as they seem to hook as soon as they hit the lane, but don't really have enough oil to throw them most nights.  So I'm looking for a ball to replace my Inferno for med oil shot.  I would like to move back to Storm because I had a lot of success with the ER.  Thinking about a Shift or maybe a Secret Agent.  Please make your recommendations.




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Re: Need a new ball Shift/Secret
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2007, 10:56:00 PM »
From what I read the secret has the potential to be stronger than the Special so without getting into revs etc. (mainly because I don't know much about it) I think a Shift would be your best bet.  I used mine with an altered surface(1k abralon) on the shark pattern and it works fine.  I've used it in practice on the cheetah and by taking some hand out of it and rolling it like duke it works fine too.  

Basically, it's the ball I use to guage the lanes.  Of course, I have a limited arsenal so I need to do more with my release, and speed, than some others.  

YMMV-good luck with your decision

Oh, I forgot to add that the Shift will have no problems clearing the heads.  Once it hits the friction point it will respond.  I had the ball taken down to reduce the wet/dry effect.

Edited on 7/9/2007 11:03 PM


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Re: Need a new ball Shift/Secret
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2007, 11:01:26 PM »
For medium oil, a Shift might be a bit strong. I'd look into a Spit Fire or Thunderstruck Solid.

John D Davis

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Re: Need a new ball Shift/Secret
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2007, 11:20:24 PM »
When I see the word Secret on this title... I think of Beans Secret Sauce, can I get an AMEN????


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Re: Need a new ball Shift/Secret
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2007, 11:25:35 PM »
For medium oil, a Shift might be a bit strong. I'd look into a Spit Fire or Thunderstruck Solid.

Thats funny, for most bowlers I consider the Shift weaker than the Agent, which should make an ideal Medium ball.  So that being said, I don't feel the Secret Agent would make a good replacement for the Inferno...
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Re: Need a new ball Shift/Secret
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2007, 11:45:38 PM »
I'm just basing that off of the one I threw, but now that I think about it, it was  a strong drill.


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Re: Need a new ball Shift/Secret
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2007, 01:28:30 AM »
I remember when I purchased the Shift my driller told me that it was storms answer to the Absolute Inferno and TNV.  I don't know much either ball but that's what he told me and I am passing that information on.


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Re: Need a new ball Shift/Secret
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2007, 10:56:54 AM »
Get a Shift, drill it 5x5 with pin up and leave it factory finish. Guarantee the ball will clear the heads flawlessly and will make a nice strong move on the back. It will be strong, but should be controllable. Depends on what your definition of medium is. If you find it's too jumpy with the factory finish, just knock the shine off with a 4000 pad and that should smooth it out.
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Re: Need a new ball Shift/Secret
« Reply #8 on: July 10, 2007, 11:36:49 AM »
I didn't base my decision on this but the 2007 USBC singles champ, Chip Aki, used a Shift to post his winning score.  He points that out in his advice column when asked about the ball.


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Re: Need a new ball Shift/Secret
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2007, 12:10:51 PM »
I have both balls both drilled 4 1/2 pin to pap, the shift mb is at 4 1/4 inches to pap. The Secret Agent is 4 inch cg to pap, i think either ball will be fine for replacing your inferno.

The Secret Agent picks up the mid's faster and is stronger overall, the shift is a weird ball though sometimes it hooks aton and sometimes it is very straight for me.

If it was me picking the Secret would be my choice or a Thunderstruck Solid drilled exactly like your inferno.

The Agent is another very good choice, the T-road pearl is good but gets squirrely in too much oil. The Spit Fire is another good choice but can get jumpy from flying backends.

Btw i actually have everyone of these balls not any guessing on them.

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Re: Need a new ball Shift/Secret
« Reply #10 on: July 10, 2007, 10:02:03 PM »
I use my Thunder Struck Pearl or T-Road Pearl medium oil Patters.
I have 11 Storm balls in my Arsenal don't have the Thunder Struck but it would be your best choice...

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Mark Vansel

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Re: Need a new ball Shift/Secret
« Reply #11 on: July 10, 2007, 10:02:05 PM »
I use my Thunder Struck Pearl or T-Road Pearl medium oil Patters.
I have 11 Storm balls in my Arsenal don't have the Thunder Struck but it would be your best choice...

Midwest Regional Player
Mark Vansel


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Re: Need a new ball Shift/Secret
« Reply #12 on: July 10, 2007, 11:53:45 PM »
Looking at the balls that you had success with, I'd generally stick with symmetrical cores or weaker asyms.  The shift is neither.  I also would deal with pearl reactives or fairly mild solids.  The shift and the secret certainly do not fit this criterium.

I personally would opt for something in the fire or agent lines that has the reactor pearl cover.  In the Agent line, the origional agent is the only ball that has the reactor cover.  It has that cover and a fairly strong symmetrical core.  In the fire line, the fired up and the spit fire have the reactor.  They use rather similar cores, but the flip cap on the core switches sides.  This makes the Spit fire slightly stronger overall with more hook in the midlane and slightly less on the backend.  

All of these balls would work with the Agent being the strongest overall, and the Fired Up being the cleanest through the fronts with the most left on the backend.  I would choose the Spit Fire though as a compromise between the other two.  You can cut the ball with a strong pin around 4 or 4 1/2 inches to pap, but I would take care not to make the pin to low as you spoke of the other two bowling balls reving up too soon.  Granted, the GP2 is a huge hooking ball and the One is no slouch as far as strength, but never the less I'd make sure not to leave the pin any lower than 2" above the midline, especially if you opt for the agent the balls that you spoke of.
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Re: Need a new ball Shift/Secret
« Reply #13 on: July 11, 2007, 07:26:56 AM »
Man for medium oil I would probably get a T-Road Pearl or a Thunderstruck Solid.
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Re: Need a new ball Shift/Secret
« Reply #14 on: July 11, 2007, 08:10:06 PM »
Well i bought a shift 2 and a half inch pin pin under ring finger and the shift gives me a good look on medium oil lanes but will not work on heavy oil tends to go staraight when it hits heavy oil