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Author Topic: Need a Storm Replacement for my Radical Inferno(Med-Low Oil Ball with my speed that is)  (Read 1532 times)


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Need a Storm Replacement for my Radical Inferno(Med-Low Oil Ball with my speed that is)


So Storm guys please give me some help. I have been gone from league play for about 15 months and I just cracked my Radical Inferno by Brunswick. I know I know a lot of ppl thought this ball sucked by I got it to move mountains with my hand and speed. 

I throw at about 19mph with about 450 rpm but I dont drop the ball I more so release low and roll. Also if this helps I am a two finger no thumb bowler.


I'm am asking you all because I never owned a Storm but as I was getting my Hammer Infection drilled I asked about a ball with a ton of backend to replace my Radical Inferno and all 8 ppl in the shop yelled "Victory Road" and kept telling me there is nothing on the market right now with more backend. But after reading reviews some say it has length and some say its strong as hell. The pro shop owner(who has seen me bowl) say I should get it and drilled it for length and if needed take some surface away.


If its stronger than my Vapor Zone which I think you all are about to say I could polish my Vapor Zone up to take the place of my Radical to allow room for the Victory Road.... I'm no expert but please give me some advice. Thanks


My Bag in order of use:

-Brunswick Scrochin Inferno

-Hammer Infection

-Brunswick Vapor Zone

-Brunswick Radical Inferno


Any suggestions?



  • Jr. Member
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victory is a very good ball and yes it has alot of backend and hits really well but with ur ball speed i would not suggest drilling it to go long as it goes very long in the first place and might be too unpredictable and not get much use out of most of the people that i have seen really like it have pin down and it still has massive backend mine is pin up but i only throw about 15


  • Hero Member
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I agree with the Victory Road or maybe a Reign Supreme!

"Train a child up in the way they should go and when they are old they will "Bowl Globally", "Bowl the world over", be "King OF THEM ALL" and not turn from it!

Bruce Campbell
USBC Bronze Certified Coach
IBPSIA Certified Technician
Originator of the -35deg x 25 leverage drilling!
Bruce Campbell
Coaches aren't born, they are made!
USBC Silver Certified Coach

Changing bowling, one bowler at a time!


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definitely go with the victory road

The only things that are truly permanent are death and Sharpies.

I believe when you lower your expectations, you only increase your chances xD