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Author Topic: Need Heavy Oil Ball  (Read 2682 times)


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Need Heavy Oil Ball
« on: January 26, 2009, 09:59:39 PM »
I love the reaction I get from my EraserPBT and would like to stay with Storm for a heavy oil ball.  Any recommendations would be helpful.  Drill recommendations are welcome and please enclose diagrams if possible. I do not drill my own stuff but my driller will try about anything I ask him too.  I generally play 13-15 out to 7-8 on wood surfaces but I can play straighter if I need to.  



NY Mike

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Re: Need Heavy Oil Ball
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2009, 06:22:09 AM »
I recently purchased the Storm Dimension which needs oil to perform.  I have
had the ball for three weeks, but it wasn't til last week that I got enough
oil for a full set to use it.  I only have four games on the ball and have shot 245-278-258-256.    My pro shop - senior PBA tour member says the Virtual Gravity is another strong choice, and has been flying off his shelves.  He doesn't like Storm but even drilled one up for himself.  As for layouts, best bet is to go to the Storm site and download the spec/layout sheets from the manufacturer.


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Re: Need Heavy Oil Ball
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2009, 06:36:40 AM »
Dimension if you like symetrical core reaction(more earlier rolling arc).
Virtual Gravity if you like asymetrical core reaction(more length with backend).
Pick your poison. Can't go wrong with either.
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Gene J Kanak

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Re: Need Heavy Oil Ball
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2009, 06:38:03 AM »
The Virtual is a very good ball, but I don't think it's Storm's best option on heavier patterns, at least not at its 4000 abralon box finish. Out of the box, the ball actually gets a decent amount of length and is very strong off the spot down lane. If you want a ball that digs in early but still offers strong, predictable hook, I'd look at a Special Agent with some surface (500 abralon works great for me) or a T-Road Solid. I'm not saying the Virtual is bad on the contrary, I think it's very good in certain situations. But if you want a ball that will help you out on heavier, I'd look at the Special or T-Road first.
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Edited on 1/27/2009 7:38 AM


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Re: Need Heavy Oil Ball
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2009, 10:40:20 AM »
The Virtual is a very good ball, but I don't think it's Storm's best option on heavier patterns, at least not at its 4000 abralon box finish. Out of the box, the ball actually gets a decent amount of length and is very strong off the spot down lane.

I agree with this comment and I would also kind of extend it to the Dimension as well.  I have both balls and in order to work as true heavy oil balls I have both of these balls at 1000.  For me the Dimension works better on heavy oil as a 'down and in' ball while the Virtual works better inside.


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Re: Need Heavy Oil Ball
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2009, 10:53:56 AM »
I've heard (and personally seen) if you have a good amount of the hand, the VG is almost flat on the backend. People are over revving the ball and it just sits there in medium oil.

And no, it's not the drilling(s). Three seperate balls, drilled differently, 3 diff bowlers, all above 400 revs, and it's just flat on the backend.

One guy gave his ball to a lower rev house shot only player, similar speeds, the ball turned on a dime at 45 feet at least 8 boards movement.

-edited for clarification and cuz i kant speall-
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Edited on 1/27/2009 11:54 AM

Edited on 1/27/2009 11:55 AM


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Re: Need Heavy Oil Ball
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2009, 10:56:50 AM »
T-Road Solid For sure
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Re: Need Heavy Oil Ball
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2009, 11:25:21 AM »
Tropical or Street Rod Pearl. just kidding, LOL.  Depending on what you want the ball to do.  Virtual, Dimension, T-Road solid.
"The last time I saw a mouth like that, it had a hook in it." Rodney Dangerfield

David Lee Yskes

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Re: Need Heavy Oil Ball
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2009, 05:08:55 PM »
I love my VG, and for those who say it does nothing on the back ends, if you have alot of revs lol, WHATEVER!!!!!!  I use my VG on a second shift league after a womens league and get plenty of backend and have the video's to prove it too.  just goto youtube and search coolluvr4u1976.

I can easily play left of 4th arrow and swing the ball out to 10 or the 5 board and still get the ball to turn hard.  I've left my ball in OOB condition cuz I like how the ball gets through the heads.  

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" Lift your skirt, grab your balls and learn how to bowl "


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Re: Need Heavy Oil Ball
« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2009, 02:26:50 PM »
i have a t-road solid and a vg i dont know what he did to the t-road ,but mine is my dry lane ball,its absolutely the weakest ball i have. the vg on the other hand ,if you put it at a 1000 i would be really suprised if anything ouit hooks it.
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Re: Need Heavy Oil Ball
« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2009, 02:48:05 PM »
Take the covers to the same point and a VG is going to outhook anything else Storm makes. The R2X is stronger than any other cover Storm has made, and VG is slightly stronger than DIMENSION due to stonger core. The TR SOLID and SPECIAL and ATTITUDE might be close but not the same cover strength. I have thrown all of those balls at 500 and 1,000 and I have yet to be able to use a VG at 1,000 and have not even tried 500.

And if you're not getting back-end in a VG something is screwy - i.e. ball rolling out, zero back-end period, wrong drilling.


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Re: Need Heavy Oil Ball
« Reply #11 on: January 29, 2009, 07:44:24 AM »
i am in the market for a ball just for heavy oil for tournament play. i am looking at the v.g.  --- but i have  seen some posts that the dimension and the "t road solid" has been mentioned.  i have seen the v.g. in action -- but mostly on ths -- not in tourney play.   is the v.g. the ball?? or not  --- i like to play a down and in shot, im not a cranker and i dont have the big revs. any input on this. thanks.
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Re: Need Heavy Oil Ball
« Reply #12 on: January 29, 2009, 08:54:47 AM »
I have the same experience with the T-Road solid and the VG that Toomanytenpins mentioned above. Never had any luck with the T-Road solid and I'm sure its a great ball.  I just didn't match up well with the T-Road or the HyRoad.  Didn't try the pearl.

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Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: Need Heavy Oil Ball
« Reply #13 on: January 29, 2009, 10:29:29 AM »
The Dimension is a great oil ball for those that want a strong, arcing motion with control. I have the Dimension and the VG. Both are great pieces, but both have thier uses as well. It's a matter of preference and match up. You can't go wrong with either peice just understand what the layout/cover is going to give you.
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Re: Need Heavy Oil Ball
« Reply #14 on: January 29, 2009, 10:39:17 AM »
I've heard (and personally seen) if you have a good amount of the hand, the VG is almost flat on the backend. People are over revving the ball and it just sits there in medium oil.

And no, it's not the drilling(s). Three seperate balls, drilled differently, 3 diff bowlers, all above 400 revs, and it's just flat on the backend.

One guy gave his ball to a lower rev house shot only player, similar speeds, the ball turned on a dime at 45 feet at least 8 boards movement.

-edited for clarification and cuz i kant speall-
--------------------Edited on 1/27/2009 11:54 AM

Edited on 1/27/2009 11:55 AM

I would personally like to see this happen. I have a 450 rev rate and this ball charges the pocket for me. I have yet to see the ball just flatten out on the back end for people..

For your situation albrahal, I would look at the Dimension or Virtual Gravity. With you being on wood surfaces, I wonder how much friction you are seeing. If you're seeing a lot of friction I would steer away from the more aggressive surfaces and go with the T-Road Solid. If you're not encountering a lot of backend friction, the Dimension or VG wouldn't be bad to look at. Without seeing how you bowl this would be my suggestion.

Justin Buford
Orlando, FL

2009 Storm Bowling Staff Member
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