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Author Topic: Need help on replacements  (Read 1679 times)


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Need help on replacements
« on: April 24, 2011, 11:00:44 PM »
So I have had my Virtual Gravity and Fast for about a year and a half and most likely I will get a replacement I am thinking about what to choose for the VG whether a Nano or a Marvel and for the fast whether a Tropical Heat Pearl or the Fast. I am looking for something that can retain a little bit more energy down lane for the VG but also handle the oil well, and as far as the Fast something pretty much the same I can play down and in and also deep inside with this ball will the 2fast  be too strong due to the core or will the tropical heat be better? Thx for any suggestions Revrate about 320-350 speed about 17                    


Cobalt Bomb

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Re: Need help on replacements
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2011, 07:11:17 AM »
As far as replacing the VG, you are going to have a tough time finding a solid asymetric ball that retains more energy down lane. The Nano has a stronger cover which will bleed off a little more energy early. Perhaps you should get another VG while you can, or go for a Virtual Energy or Infinite Theory and adjust the cover as necessary.

As to the Fast replacement, the Reign would be a little stronger downlane, The Tropical Heat pearl would be ok, cover is a little weaker than the Fast, core a little stronger. The Dark Star would be similar to the Fast, but get down the lane a little further. Perhaps a Rising Star would be good; core numbers and cover a little stronger than the Fast.

Hope this helps you.


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Re: Need help on replacements
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2011, 12:31:11 PM »
The replacement for a Virtual Gravity IS and CAN ONLY BE a Virtual Gravity.
The Nano is stronger and the Marvel is all curve and hook. 
I'd suggest the 2Fast as the direct replacement for a Fast. An alternative is the Black/Silver Tropical Heat: lots of length and lots of backend, just short of an asymmetric's backend, IF drilled properly.

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Re: Need help on replacements
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2011, 01:54:49 PM »
Wow,  I couldn't disagree more about the VG and the Nano.  Having thrown both drilled very simialr and already throwing a couple of 300s with the VG, in my case the Nano drilled pin up box, was long and extremely strong off the break point.  The Nano pin up seems exactly what you're looking for as a replacement for the VG.


With respect to the previous posters, this post was submitted with respect to your opinions.



Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: Need help on replacements
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2011, 01:57:04 PM »
Your specific stats will affect which ball is best for your needs but I will say that I have been extremely impressed with my Nano's versatility.  I have tried it on 3 different house conditions:  fresh oil with stripped backends, 2nd shift with moderate carrydown, and just your everyday dry shot from lots of bowling.


I have also tried it at box finish (which is more like 1000 abralon than the advertised 500/4000), true 4000 abralon, 2000 plus Reacta Shine, and my current (and favorite) 1500 Sia with Black Magic Polish.


I have been able to play this ball with each mentioned surface and lane condition.  On the fresh shot with clean backends I was able to play 5th arrow, setting the ball down around 38, with a breakpoint of 5.  Some shots went brooklyn if I slowed my speed too much.  Bottom line, the ball didn't quit. 


As for the Marvels:  more of a driving arc but tremendous midlane read and for me, the best ball to score high with because it is so consistent.  Hope this helps!

T C 300

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Re: Need help on replacements
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2011, 01:58:32 PM »
^^^ no no.... dont get a 2 fast. if you really like the fast go with trop heat (not the hybrid)
the heat is a tad bit weaker cover wise,  but may not notice it..  
2 of the trop heat had the agent cover...cant go wrong there!!  :-)
i LOVE the turbine core!

Cobalt Bomb

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Re: Need help on replacements
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2011, 02:14:46 PM »
With respect to the differing opinions of the other posters (thanks Nicanor), the key to my VG replacement recommendation was that the OP wanted something to store a little more energy for downlane than the VG. For me, with identical surface and layout, the VGN reads much earlier than my less than 10 game VG. I'm sure a surface tweak or layout change could  make the VGN do what he is looking for. I have nothing against the VGN, just think that there are a couple other choices that would more easily do what the OP wants, at a lower cost.


Hopefully the OP has gotten the info he needs to make his choice.

Edited by Cobalt Bomb on 4/25/2011 at 2:15 PM


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Re: Need help on replacements
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2011, 02:32:15 PM »
Cobalt Bomb:  is it possible the reason the Nano was earlier for you may be due to the true grit of the factory surface?  Many are noticing how dull the ball really is for a 4000 abralon finish and in fact some have tested the surface to be truer to a 1000 abralon finish.  My opinion of the ball after seeing how dull it looked in the pro shop and then throwing it with the box surface is that it is not anywhere near 4000.  If indeed the Ra/Rs values of the NRG cover are truly higher than those of the R2X then for sure you would get an earlier read with your Nano than your VG.


My logic is this:  if elmatador likes the VG but want a little longer go with a Nano (same core) and play with the surface.  But that is just my opinion.


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Re: Need help on replacements
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2011, 03:09:53 PM »
Not to step on Storm, but a better replacement for the VG would be in 900 Global Eagle.  That ball would give you everything you want for a VG replacement.  The VG has good length pin up and does not snap on the back end.  It is a better down and in ball and though I shot a couple of 300s with one VG pin up and one 300 with a VG pin down, it still was never much as a swing ball.  As mentioned by Mattypizon, the Nano will play down and in as well as deep.  Yes a surface change would help for medium lane conditions, but on the med-heavy side, a few games getting a little oil on the ball might be all you need. There are a lot of varibles like ball speed, PAP, where you track high or spin the ball and rev rate.  I've been practicing on the USBC National shot the last few weeks and I can without reservation say that the Nano comes off the break point much harder then the VG and with continuation.


I like conversations like this that allows posters to have different opinions.



Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Edited by Nicanor on 4/25/2011 at 3:11 PM
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)

Cobalt Bomb

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Re: Need help on replacements
« Reply #9 on: April 25, 2011, 03:30:24 PM »
Matt, I agree with your assessment of the VG/VGN surface. 500/4000( box) is certainly more aggressive than 4000. And I agree that the OP could probably smooth the surface of the VGN and get to what he is looking for.

With that being said, it depends on how much more energy the OP wants on the back. Just seems to me that he would be at least as good or better off using a VE or an IT; with the hybrid covers giving him the extra backend punch, even at a similar surface. The IT is one heck of a ball, and 30 bucks cheaper.


As to my personal equipment, my VG is virtually new, so I believe the comparison with the VGN is pretty valid. I'm not the only one that finds the VGN earlier than the VG. Perhaps my relatively slow 16mph ball speed shows the difference more. 

mattypizon wrote on 4/25/2011 2:32 PM:
Cobalt Bomb:  is it possible the reason the Nano was earlier for you may be due to the true grit of the factory surface?  Many are noticing how dull the ball really is for a 4000 abralon finish and in fact some have tested the surface to be truer to a 1000 abralon finish.  My opinion of the ball after seeing how dull it looked in the pro shop and then throwing it with the box surface is that it is not anywhere near 4000.  If indeed the Ra/Rs values of the NRG cover are truly higher than those of the R2X then for sure you would get an earlier read with your Nano than your VG.


My logic is this:  if elmatador likes the VG but want a little longer go with a Nano (same core) and play with the surface.  But that is just my opinion.


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Re: Need help on replacements
« Reply #10 on: April 25, 2011, 03:33:28 PM »
Thanks to all that have contributed to this post I play down and in with my VG all the time and as soon as it breaks down I use my Fast so from what I have gotten is either get a Nano and play with surface maybe even a pin up since I use a pin down and prob the Tropical Heat Pearl pin down as I don't want for the 2Fast to be too strong. Thanks to all for your opinion and this has definitely clarified many concerns/questions I had thank you