looking at your profile, it's the most complete & thorough profile i have ever read here on Br.com. excellent work

the houses i'm playing are very much identical to your house # 1 & #4. both are pro anvil lanes though. i played better on house#1 ave. around 189 in leagues & struggling a bit on the 2nd house i'm playing, shorter pattern 35 to 38 max w/ unpredictable backend. 180 ave. there
our line in which we bowl on are somewhat the same. as i'm leaning more on lineA vs. LineB. i'm most consistent playing straight-up & let the ball do it's thing naturally. I just learned last night, that sometimes you have to slow your speed down to get your ball to react properly.
high game also at 255
3 game high series: 670 (The One, house #1)
4 games series: 913 (Szone, house #1)
all leagues, june '06
my ave. a year ago was 156

just beginning to learn the technical aspects of the game. learned a lot from the internet, especially here at B.R.
When the bowling gets tough, The tough gets turkey