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Author Topic: Need help with ball selection  (Read 2341 times)


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Need help with ball selection
« on: September 19, 2013, 06:19:32 PM »
I currently have a Fire Road, Lights Out, and a Tropical Breeze.  I had thought I covered a range of conditions I see when not bowling tournaments.  Issue I have is everything I have drilled just hooks for me!  I usually end up throwing the Tropical Breeze at the beginning of shift even after they have ran the machine . 

My question is, if I place the pin 2" from my pap, this should make the ball rolly right?  It should not overreact when it sees dry?  I can't get any of my equipment to stop taking off on me once it sees the dry.  Everything I have is pin up.  I track high.  My pap is 5 1/4 and 3/8 up.  I don't know my axis tilt.  My speed is around 15 at the heads and about 12 at the deck. My rev rate is also low.  I cannot generate any more ball speed due to physical limitations.   I usually have to start far left and throw it right because everything hooks even after they ran the machine.

If a 2" pin would help, does it really matter which ball to get since this drilling would take the core out of play?


Impending Doom

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Re: Need help with ball selection
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2013, 06:34:22 PM »
Personally, if you're looking to keep it Utah, I'd either go with a Super Natural or Shout. With the Shout, go pin 2 inches from your PAP, and keep the surface dull.

Jesse James

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Re: Need help with ball selection
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2013, 04:15:49 PM »
Personally, if you're looking to keep it Utah, I'd either go with a Super Natural or Shout. With the Shout, go pin 2 inches from your PAP, and keep the surface dull.

The thing that he forgot to mention still have to stroke the ball with a soft hand, because it's going to hook! You have to make sure it hooks at the right spot on the lanes, so you strike. Also, come up the back of the ball rather, than giving it your normal full rotation. Good luck.
Some days you're the bug....some days you're the windshield...that's bowling!

larry mc

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Re: Need help with ball selection
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2013, 02:39:22 AM »
wow all those balls would be way to weak for the shoy at my local house ,, id try to find a real old ball if i were u


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Re: Need help with ball selection
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2013, 07:37:49 AM »
You have a few options for tackling this problem. Hand position adjustments would be first and foremost as mentioned previously. The next easiest (and cheapest) I would try is surface adjustments. I find a lot of storm equipment for me jumps off the dry boards due to the fact that almost all their equipment is 1500 Polished out of the box. Surface changes are much easier and cheaper to play around with than changing layouts. Besides, surface is usually more to blame for the reaction you are talking about than layout. I have a Frantic that would snap ridiculously off the dry so I took it from 1500 polished down to 2000 abralon no-polish and it smoothed it out a ton. It made it act much more like a dry lane ball than it previously had with the OOB finish. I have also done this with good success with a Tropical Heat hybrid which is a very similar ball to your Lights out. If that doesn't work getting something urethane really helps get the ball turned before it hits the dry. I have a storm Natural that is great when the backends are flying. I can move right and throw right to the pocket with small adjustments. I tried going with a Roto Scream but it too was very sharp off the dry even with a weak drilling. I haven't played with the surface on it because the natural is a much more consistent ball for me anyway when the lanes get like this. My suggestion would be start by buying a few different abralon pads (maybe 1000, 2000, & 4000 grit) off ebay and go practice with different surfaces. Note that putting a ball at 2000 by hand does not generally give you the exact same results as 2000 on a spinner but if will give you a pretty good idea of what direction you need to go. Hope this helps.
"Bowling is simple so don't over complicate it: stand here, throw there."
Currently in the bag: Lock, Critical Theory, Asylum, IQTP Frantic, Buffalo Bills Spare