Equipment Boards => Storm => Topic started by: mogators on January 13, 2009, 12:03:38 AM
Just got a Virtual Gravity with a 2 1/2 pin. My PAP is 4" over, 1/2" up. I throw between 18 and 20 mph with probably medium revs, so I am probably speed dominant and somewhat of a spinner. I bowl on wood lanes with some type of synthetic head surface (not sure what kind).
I saw a layout called spinners dream (rotogrip sheet) that was 5 X 3 with a 4 1/2 pin buffer. I want this ball to be strong but not DOA at the pins. Any suggestions?
My dad is a spinner and we drilled a Psycho using the Rico Layout and it gives him alot more midlane than he was used to... he loves it.
Are the conditions usually medium oil or flooded, that makes a difference when you decide how to drill this. You don't want a rico drilling for a ball that you want to hook out the house, if thats what you want it to do!
Edited on 1/13/2009 9:13 AM
Conditions are usually what I would call medium.
I have a Rico'd Sidewinder, but have not used it too much. It does give me a very controllable reaction but tends to leave alot of flat 10's on this shot.
I bowl on wood lanes with some type of synthetic head surface (not sure what kind).
This is what scares me... if you're bowling on Guardian, it's going to be awfully hard, even with a lot of tilt from a bit of a spinner release, to get something as strong as the Virtual Gravity down the lane unless they're putting down an absolute flood. What kind of conditions do you normally see and where do you want this ball to fit in your arsenal? (And definately don't worry about making sure this ball is strong -- even with a weak layout, it's still a monster!)
On edit, I see you said medium conditions. Honestly, the Virtual Gravity will be probably too much ball for this kind of pattern. You can tame a ball down, but only to a point.
Edited on 1/13/2009 10:29 AM
That's kind of what I figured and don't really see this as being a ball I would throw very much at this house. I'm currently using a Nemesis with the pin just above the ring finger (around 4000 grit) and a polished Rampage with basically the same drill. With my speed/rev ratio and the spinner release, I can't seem to ever be able to move in very deep though. Probably not the best idea for this house, because straighter is usually greater.
try something a little tamer, maybe a 900 global Maniac or a Storm Gravity Shift, something like that, the VG and balls of that nature are going to be too much for that house... in my opinion.
OK, so I'm convinced that this ball will probably not be of much use at this house and just want to drill it to be for when I need something really strong. What is a good layout for strong but yet controllable for my game?