Hi everyone, I have a storm jolt and it cracked so it is no longer usable. My pap is 5 1/4 over and 1/2 inch up. This ball has a 1 inch pin. It is layed out with a 5 x 4 1/2 pin under ring and cg slightly out just a pinch, no extra hole. I have around medium speed sometimes a little slower, and around medium revs, can vary axis tilt and rotation. I really love the reaction this ball gives me, it roles in the middle part of the lane then kind of snaps on the back end depending on the axis rotation I put on it.
So, I was wondering what my options are as far as replacing and get another ball that is close to this one. I have had a few people tell me a pluto, street rod solid and a mars, but I already have a hot rod and the Mars would be too close to my hot rod. I personally was thinking a street rod solid or another jolt, but some other suggestions would be appreciated, thanks

If your going to bowl...bowl for fun or go home