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Author Topic: Need some drilling advice..  (Read 858 times)


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Need some drilling advice..
« on: December 22, 2009, 05:06:53 AM »
I have a 15 lb vertigo that is on it''s second drill. My pap is 5 1/2 over x 1/3 up. The ball is drilled 4 1/2 x 4 3/4 pin down with a 1/2 inch weight hole 3 inches deep 1 1/2 inches below mid line. The problem that I am having is that I am more so a medium speed bowler, and with this ball and how it is drilled, it obviously flares quite a bit and roles nice, but snaps on the backend. Adding some surface does help but then it doesn''t quite role right on any decent amount of oil.

Since I can''t really sell this ball because of the second drill, I was thinking of plugging it and putting a different drilling on it. I still want it to be pin down, like a 5 x 5 1/2. What other drilling suggestions would you guys recommend? I have a deuce that is drill 4 1/4 by 4 1/2 pin next to ring, weight hole 4 inches over on mid line. I want this vertigo to be slightly stronger over all in the oil as the deuce roles nice and smooth.

I have around medium revs and can vary axis tilt and rotation.
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Edited on 12/22/2009 2:12 PM


Jesse James

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Re: Need some drilling advice..
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2009, 04:00:41 PM »
If this is a ball that you like, and it is already on it's second drill, I would just go with a wider weight hole first, before plugging and redrilling.

If it is the snappish reaction on the backend that is bugging you, then a wider, or deeper WH will do wonders to soften your reaction to a more controllable one.
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Re: Need some drilling advice..
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2009, 12:50:16 AM »
Thanks Buggs for your reply. I have tried some surface changes and it seems it works best at like 2k abralon, but any more surface than that and it doesn't drive through the pocket very well because of the amount it is flairing and the grittier surface. I would like to be able to throw this on a medium oil length pattern like a heavier house shot at least because of how the ball roles already, but it is just flairs too much and dies with any decent amount of surface and flips pretty good when it has any amount of polish. So I think I am going to plug it and try it with out a weight hole as the rad + core is already pretty strong.
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Re: Need some drilling advice..
« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2009, 01:02:53 AM »
Thanks Jesse for your advice. I had a weight hole about 2 1/4 inches down from my pap that was a 7/8 or 3/4 inch and 2 inches deep. It rolled a little better than the current weight hole, but because of the 4 1/2 to pap pin placement it flared 5 1/2 inches then added the hole and it flared just a bit more. So when I had that weight hole plugged and then added a smaller and deeper one it made it more flippy of course. This is when I didn't know too much about weight holes and such.

I know that with these strong cores from store like the rad +, doing a 5 x 5 or 5 x 5 1/2 pin down with a light surface can role strong but will be smoother over all. Should I redrill it as a 5 x 5, or a 5 x 5 1/2? Do you think it will be better after redrilling and with like 4k abralon?
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