First Post:
I have recently returned to bowling after a 12 year forced absence (Ends of bowling fingers mashed off). I am currently averaging 201 after 30 games of league play. I would classify myself as a tweener with medium revs and average around 15mph on ball speed. I generally start my league shot from about 15-17 at the arrows out to 5 and back to the pocket. I am interested in getting back into tournaments and want to round out my arsenal. I currently have:
1)Dimension: Drilled pin over ring finger, CG shifted slightly to right of center of my palm.
2)Second Dimension drilled almost exactly as the dimension.
3)Ebonite Turbo X (yes, I said a Turbo X)
I am looking to build an arsenal to cover the range of Lane conditions I might encounter with league play and tournaments in the near future. I have really enjoyed the reaction I get from the Dimension/Second Dimension and would like to stay within the Storm family (Open to Roto Grip Suggestions). I am aware the cores of all the other balls are different, thus ball reaction characteristics can be assumed to be different as well. I Have been thinking of adding:
1) High Road- Drilled similar to the Dimensions.
2) Furious drilled pin under.
3) Fast- drilled similar to Furious.
4) Natural- For those Dried out conditions I may encounter in Tournaments.
I have been looking at the Reign and the soon to be released Reign of Fire and I am thinking they may end up overlapping the Dimension/Second Dimension I currently have. I am looking for suggestion to help round out my arsenal and would like to know what those who are more familiar with Storm/Roto Grip lines of products would do differently and why. The equipment has changed a lot since I was a bowling regularly. Thank you in advance for your time.
Jeremy W.