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Need storm comparisons to thunderstruck
« on: February 02, 2008, 09:30:49 AM »
I recently acquired a thunderstruck solid and have been very impressed with it.  Really as strong a ball as I can see me ever needing.

  I have been thinking about dropping down in weight and since I really like what I saw in the t-struck solid, I was wondering what balls would/could be good compliments for it.  

  I like the looks of the agent series ( especially the original pearl one ), but watching a friend throw the secret agent, double agent, and the special agent, those seem as though they might be too strong for me here.

  Not to get too technical here, but with the t-struck solid, I started out with my feet on 34 and playing over 18 at the arrows out to the break point and was thinking that was plenty deep. This was on our fresh league shot which became drier as the night went on.  Had to change release from roll to side roll to get it through the heads.  Still burnt up a lot and left some flat 10's the last game.

  The one I have now is drilled 4 1/2 X 4 with pin down.

  Here is sort of what I was thinking about, if I do go with storm:

1. Thunderstruck solid drilled pin up, 5 X 4
2. Agent pearl with same drilling as above
3. Thunderstuck pearl drilled pin down, 4 X 4
4. Jolt pearl drilled pin up, 4 X 4

  Have been looking at the fire series balls also.  They look like they might fit in here somewhere.  Been a long time since I threw much storm stuff, so I am pretty much in the dark here guys.
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Re: Need storm comparisons to thunderstruck
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2008, 06:00:55 PM »
Thunderstruck uses the same core as the other Thunder models from Storm, whuich when originally were introduced were the "high end" models.

I use the following Storm equipment:
Dark Thunder 5 x 5 pin up, over ring, cg shifted right (1/2 ounce sideweight)polished to 1500
Dark Thunder 5 X 5 pin under bridge, CG 1.5" below - 1000 matte
Sure Fire 4 1/2 X 4 1/2 stacked, pin over ring, cg shifted right (1/2 ounce sideweight) polished to 1500

Use these 3 on most conditions I face. Sure Fire very versatile, in or out, depending upon conditions, never looses hit or carry from either.
Dark Thunders have been the best, "benchmark" pieces I used to date! Smooth, predictable, hard hitting, again adjust for conditions.

The proposed line up you want looks OK, but consider the Sure Fire to compliment the solid and pearl.

The Jolt may be "too much" for light condition ball.


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Re: Need storm comparisons to thunderstruck
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2008, 07:59:38 PM »
So if you think the Thunderstruck is 'as strong a ball' as you will ever need why get an Agent?  The Agent is a lower RG ball with a strong core - it is usually about 2-4 boards stronger than the Thunderstruck depending on the bowler and the condition.

Assuming the Thunderstruck as your fresh shot ball I'd get a Thunderstruck Pearl (great compliment ball to the Thunderstruck) and maybe something really tame like a Jolt Pearl or maybe even a Neptune from Rotogrip (a Storm brand).  If you are really looking for a 4 ball set instead of an Agent I'd look for a particle ball - maybe a lightly polished Jolt Particle or a Rotogrip Venus.


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Re: Need storm comparisons to thunderstruck
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2008, 09:21:22 AM »
So if you think the Thunderstruck is 'as strong a ball' as you will ever need why get an Agent?  The Agent is a lower RG ball with a strong core - it is usually about 2-4 boards stronger than the Thunderstruck depending on the bowler and the condition.

Assuming the Thunderstruck as your fresh shot ball I'd get a Thunderstruck Pearl (great compliment ball to the Thunderstruck) and maybe something really tame like a Jolt Pearl or maybe even a Neptune from Rotogrip (a Storm brand).  If you are really looking for a 4 ball set instead of an Agent I'd look for a particle ball - maybe a lightly polished Jolt Particle or a Rotogrip Venus.

  I was looking at the agent because it has a pearl cover on it opposed to the solid on the thunderstruck. Didn't think it would be too much stronger than the thunderstruck (as they both have reactor covers), just cleaner through the heads.

  Haven't had very much luck with any of the roto planet series, but was looking at the jolt pearl to complement the lower end of my lineup.

  I hear what you are saying about a lightly polished particle, just haven't had any luck with a particle ball much since the original hammer vicious particle I had ( before it cracked wide open ).  Particle, even with some polish, tend to be a bit early in my hand.  I would rather use a  solid reactive than a particle, I think.

  I will adjust the list a bit to be more specific.
1. Thunderstruck solid for fresh house shot, drilled pin up, 5 X 4
2. Agent pearl with same drilling as above, for drier headshots
3. Thunderstuck pearl drilled pin down, 4 X 4 for when the agent is too much
4. Jolt pearl drilled pin up, 4 X 4 for when the T-struck pearl is too early

  Don't think I'll need anything weaker than the jolt pearl as I just recently purchased a visionary blue/green centaur, drilled 4 X 5, and it is great on the dry stuff, so I think it would go below the jolt pearl.
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Re: Need storm comparisons to thunderstruck
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2008, 04:03:44 PM »
Spit Fire
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Re: Need storm comparisons to thunderstruck
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2008, 08:09:39 AM »
I've thrown a lot of the current Storm balls (not all) and I have used the Thunderstruck Solid a lot...  Is your question pertaining to those for you listed or just basic observations for other stuff compared to the Thunderstruck?
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Re: Need storm comparisons to thunderstruck
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2008, 05:37:20 PM »
Fluff E.,

  Just some astute observations of storm's stuff, I think

I've thrown a lot of the current Storm balls (not all) and I have used the Thunderstruck Solid a lot... Is your question pertaining to those for you listed or just basic observations for other stuff compared to the Thunderstruck?

  Being as I am well pleased with the thunderstruck solid, I was wanting to build a general arsenal around it.

  I was thinking the pearl agent because it also has the reactor cover ( albeit in pearl form ), just trying to get something as strong as the thunderstruck solid with just a different entry angle look and thought the pearl cover might do this.

  Then came the thunderstruck pearl for when I actually NEED a step down from the hook level provided by the solid.  Thought the thunderstruck pearl would be a step down from both the thunderstruck solid and the agent.

  Then, just for sh-t's and giggles, I threw in the jolt pearl for when I needed a step down from the thunderstruck pearl.

  Some have suggested a spitfire, but I have an inherent problem with inverted weightblocks.  If you put the flip block on the bottom of the core, somehow it doesn't seem to operate right in my hands.  Tends to roll VERY early ( even with length drillings ) and it gets hard for me to get them through the heads cleanly pretty quick.
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Re: Need storm comparisons to thunderstruck
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2008, 07:38:59 AM »
Fluff E.,

  Just some astute observations of storm's stuff, I think

I don't know about astute observations but hey.  

I have noticed that especially on a shot with a lot of friction on the outsides and some oil to get the ball there, the Thunderstruck is pretty much all I need.    It's also versatile enough for me to use on a few of the PBA conditions.  I have so many games on this ball it is ridiculous but it is still one of my most reliable all-around balls.

On a house shot, I have to get a pretty big difference to even notice it.  Then if it isn't broke don't fix it I say.  I tried a Spit Fire and set it up kind of similar to the Thunderstruck and it seemed to go a bit longer down the lane and be a bit more angular.  I liked the reaction shape of the Thunderstruck better so I really had no reason to use the Spit Fire on a house shot because it wasn't different enough for me.  If I was really going to go that route, I would prefer the Thunderstruck Pearl for a similar shape and just set it up differently to enhance maybe the differences in length.

Unfortunately, I haven't used a Thunderstruck Pearl or an original Agent so I can't give any first hand info there...  I have used the Special Agent and the Secret Agent and I love the way those roll.  Someday I will get my hands on an Agent.  I think the Agent would kind of be like a beefed up Thunderstruck that would roll up faster because of the core.  I don't see any reason to not have this ball but at the time I was considering this ball I ended up going with something with a pearl particle instead (Roto Grip Mystic).  I put a length drilling on that ball and I can use it to keep it in line and then motor through the back part of the lane with a "controlled" move.  The Mystic and the Thunderstruck are definitely my two favorite balls right now.  I use them both pretty heavily and on different house shots but I don't use them as a tandem really unless I am playing in the PBA league.  On the house shots I usually just pick the best ball and stick with it the whole night.

I can also say the Jolt Pearl is definitely a step down from a Thunderstruck.  I definitely noticed a difference between these two.  This ball is pretty smooth overall and is definitely a step down.  I thought it was tamer than my Tropical actually but I put a weaker drilling on it so it is hard to get a reading on these head to head.  

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Edited on 2/6/2008 10:25 AM


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Re: Need storm comparisons to thunderstruck
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2008, 10:21:44 AM »
Fluff E.,

  Just some astute observations of storm's stuff, I think

I don't know about astute observations but hey.

  Anything at this point is better than nothing  

I have noticed that especially on a shot with a lot of friction on the outsides and some oil to get the ball there, the Thunderstruck is pretty much all I need.    It's also versatile enough for me to use on a few of the PBA conditions.  I have so many games on this ball it is ridiculous but it is still one of my most reliable all-around balls.

  Same reasoning here.  I also checked out your review of the thunderstruck on Makes the durability of this piece sound good as well

On a house shot, I have to get a pretty big difference to even notice it.  Then if it isn't broke don't fix it I say.  I tried a Spit Fire and set it up kind of similar to the Thunderstruck and it seemed to go a bit longer down the lane and be a bit more angular.  I liked the reaction shape of the Thunderstruck better so I really had no reason to use the Spit Fire on a house shot because it wasn't different enough for me.  If I was really going to go that route, I would prefer the Thunderstruck Pearl for a similar shape and just set it up differently to enhance maybe the differences in length.

  My thoughts exactly, especially when I need a step down or a bit more length than the thunderstruck solid will give me.

Unfortunately, I haven't used a Thunderstruck Pearl or an original Agent so I can't give any first hand info there...  I have used the Special Agent and the Secret Agent and I love the way those roll.  Someday I will get my hands on an Agent.  I think the Agent would kind of be like a beefed up Thunderstruck that would roll up faster because of the core.  I don't see any reason to not have this ball but at the time I was considering this ball I ended up going with something with a pearl particle instead (Roto Grip Mystic).  I put a length drilling on that ball and I can use it to keep it in line and then motor through the back part of the lane with a "controlled" move.  The Mystic and the Thunderstruck are definitely my two favorite balls right now.  I use them both pretty heavily and on different house shots but I don't use them as a tandem really unless I am playing in the PBA league.  On the house shots I usually just pick the best ball and stick with it the whole night.

  What you said about the agent was what I was thinking also and was hoping someone else would agree. I also have looked at the Mystic, but have an aversion to rotogrip balls for some reason. Last one of those I had was a Global Assault, long time ago.

I can also say the Jolt Pearl is definitely a step down from a Thunderstruck.  I definitely noticed a difference between these two.  This ball is pretty smooth overall and is definitely a step down.  I thought it was tamer than my Tropical actually but I put a weaker drilling on it so it is hard to get a reading on these head to head.

  This is also what I was hoping to hear.  A friend of mine has a tropical and also says that it is pretty strong, that is why I was going to go with a jolt pearl instead  

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Re: Need storm comparisons to thunderstruck
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2008, 11:45:21 AM »
Same reasoning here. I also checked out your review of the thunderstruck on Makes the durability of this piece sound good as well

Yeah I was actually thinking to go revise that and put in some PBA Experience stuff.  I have found this ball to be pretty useful on certain patterns when playing more outside-ish angles.  I took everything off of this site after reading all the constant whining about amateur reviews but maybe I'll put them back up with more info...

On the durability, I really take care of my stuff so I haven't experienced any balls dying on me or anything.

What you said about the agent was what I was thinking also and was hoping someone else would agree. I also have looked at the Mystic, but have an aversion to rotogrip balls for some reason. Last one of those I had was a Global Assault, long time ago.

I am sure someone on here has both the Thunderstruck and the Agent, it is just a matter of getting them out of the woodwork...  For me, I wanted something low RG and I just happened to pick the particle pearl over the pearl just because of my personal preference and what I encounter at one of the houses I play in.  I am really curious about that Agent though because I like the Special a lot.  

I can also say the Jolt Pearl is definitely a step down from a Thunderstruck.  I definitely noticed a difference between these two.  This ball is pretty smooth overall and is definitely a step down.  I thought it was tamer than my Tropical actually but I put a weaker drilling on it so it is hard to get a reading on these head to head.

This is also what I was hoping to hear.  A friend of mine has a tropical and also says that it is pretty strong, that is why I was going to go with a jolt pearl instead  

My opinion on the Tropical is that is a great ball to start out with (gateway drug) or for the casual or open bowler it should be all the ball you ever need.  It's cheap and a great bang for the buck.  It is great on "drier" lanes and hits something fierce but it still actually does need some oil out there and it is kind of jumpy.  I've seen people call on here call the Jolt Pearl a monster though and that confuses me.  Therefore, I don't know if the Jolt Pearl is the best option or not.  Hopefully more people can chime in about that but I am pretty sure the Accu-Tread is a smoother reaction than the Reactor.

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