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Author Topic: Need Suggestions for a New Storm Ball  (Read 3049 times)

Dan Griffin

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Need Suggestions for a New Storm Ball
« on: January 18, 2009, 03:20:18 PM »
I used to post on this board about 6 years ago.  I bowled on leagues back in college, but haven't bowled much since then.  Recently I've gotten interested in bowling again and am thinking about bowling leagues again for my company's team.  I've pretty much lost touch with what's going on with bowling ball technology in the last 6 years and was hoping you guys might be able to help me out.  I used to really like Storm stuff and the Eraser was my favorite ball ever.  Unfortunately I don't have it anymore, so I'm going to need a new ball.  I'm looking for something with the most versatility since I'm not going to get a bunch of different balls.  I think the conditions I'll be facing the most will be medium to heavy oil.  I'd classify myself as a stroker, medium speed, medium axis rotation.  I can't remember the term, but my track runs directly next to my finger holes, so I'm definitely not a spinner.  That's all I can think of for now.  I'd appreciate any suggestions.  Thanks.



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Re: Need Suggestions for a New Storm Ball
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2009, 11:22:46 PM »
I strongly recommend the Hy-Road, the ball is very versatile as it is a Solid/Pearl mix. It is pretty much the middle of the road, its not too snappy, and its not too rolly, it doesn't hook a ton but it does hook. Its a perfect benchmark medium ball and takes surface adjustments well.

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Re: Need Suggestions for a New Storm Ball
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2009, 11:27:16 PM »
I would also suggest a Hy-Road, but I would probably have the surface changed to 4000 if you get one.  It will work better on more conditions, which is good, especially if you're not looking to get more than 1 ball.

I have mine at 4000 with the pin below the ring, and for the past few weeks since I've gotten it, it's the only ball I have used at 3 different houses with 3 different conditions and performed well at each.

I would highly suggest it to anyone.
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Re: Need Suggestions for a New Storm Ball
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2009, 07:13:15 AM »
I think the HY-Road will be the ball for you.My track is similar to yours and i have it drilled for control.This is not a heavy hooking ball,but for the price you won't go wrong.Imo.


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Re: Need Suggestions for a New Storm Ball
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2009, 07:17:03 AM »
Well since I gotta be different I would suggest a gravity shift very versatile takes to changes well and I have yet to find a shot I couldnt score on with the ball. But like everyone else said the hyroad is a wonderful ball and I would recommend it as well.


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Re: Need Suggestions for a New Storm Ball
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2009, 08:13:48 AM »
To go along with everyone else, a Hy-Road is a great choice to go with. Not too strong to overwhelm you as you get back into the game, but versatile enough for you to control throughout a set by just making simple adjustments. The surface is easy to tune to your liking and the cover-core combination here gives you a good range of patterns to use it on.

The Street Rod Solid is not a bad choice in a lower range ball. It's a great ball for league and practice, and it does have it's place for tournament play as well if you get into that. Once again very controllable for you and very smooth motions on the lane. No lack in hitting power and is in a good price range.
Justin Buford
Orlando, FL

2009 Storm Bowling Staff Member
Rich Gibson's Pro Shop at Boardwalk Bowl Orlando, FL

Dan Griffin

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Re: Need Suggestions for a New Storm Ball
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2009, 09:27:03 AM »
Thanks for the suggestions.  The Hy-Road looks interesting.  Is it a hybrid of solid and pearl in the same ball?  What do you guys think about the Virtual Gravity?  Is it too much of a monster to be versatile?  I was thinking if I drilled it for length it might work ok.


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Re: Need Suggestions for a New Storm Ball
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2009, 09:39:18 AM »
I think I'll jump in and comment on choices...For Storm equipment I'd suggest something in the middle to start with.  A Hy-Road will fit in between quite well.  A Virtual Gravity may be too much ball.  I am looking at getting one, but only to open up the oil a little when they are flooded.  Hybrids fit best when your looking for middle of the line.  The best of the solid and how it reads, as well as the pearl and it's skid, snap ability.
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Re: Need Suggestions for a New Storm Ball
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2009, 09:47:08 AM »
All of the current Storm line up is excellent.  I'd vote for the HyRoad too it is an extremely versatile ball and can take coverstock changes to suit anyone.  The reviews in Bowling This Month or Bowlers Journal magazines can give you more helpful details.  

My HyRoad is drilled to get length and reads the midlane and moves strong to clear the pindeck.  It has a hybrid coverstock that allows me to get a consistent response on light oil to heavy oil.  

In my opinion, any of the balls in the Road series (T-Road solid, T-Road Pearl and now the Hyroad) are great balls and won't break the bank.  The Rapid Fire solid and the Rapid Fire pearl would also be good choices.  If you are looking for real aggressive options, the Virtual Gravity or the Gravity Shift may be what you're looking for.


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Re: Need Suggestions for a New Storm Ball
« Reply #9 on: January 20, 2009, 10:01:40 AM »
If you are looking for the best middle of the road versatile Storm ball then I would agree with the Hy-Road, but don't look past the Rapid Fire (solid).

Both the Hy-Road and the Rapid Fire are medium oil control balls and both are box polished.  Even though the Hy-Road is a hybrid ball for me its reaction is closer to a pearl than a solid. The Rapid Fire is a solid that gives you a bit of a different look too since the Twin V core is 'long and strong'.

If your starting point is that the Eraser was your favorite ball ever keep in mind that both the Hy-Road and the Rapid Fire are a bit stronger than the Eraser.

Dan Griffin

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Re: Need Suggestions for a New Storm Ball
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2009, 01:11:19 PM »
The eraser was my favorite ball back then, but that was when I was bowling on natural wood lanes with pretty light oil.  I live in a different city now and it seems like most of the houses use a lot more oil than what I used to deal with.  The Rapid Fire solid is looking pretty good to me.  I'm leaning more towards a solid anyway since they're more versatile for surface changes.


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Re: Need Suggestions for a New Storm Ball
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2009, 04:38:38 PM »
Here's a little review of storm equipment from a coach that might help with your search.
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