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Author Topic: New found love for an Ace  (Read 818 times)


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New found love for an Ace
« on: April 04, 2006, 04:52:41 AM »
I have had this ball since it came out and liked its reaction at first. After about the first 20 or so games it started rolling out instead of retaining energy. So needless to say it's been sitting for quite some time. The other day i cleaned it up fixed the thumb hole and decided to give itt another chance or plug it and put it on the used ball rack.

Well The first game with it was not good same bad qualitys as i'd remembered . I thought i'd try one last thing i squared up and played right down seven and bang i found out that this is where the ball should be played. I went 165 the first game then front eight the second for a 268. Then front seven for a 246. I've never seen this ball hit so well. So if your Ace is almost ready for the muck you might try this first.

Ps. The grit is 500 abralon with a light coat of polish good luck



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Re: New found love for an Ace
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2006, 01:03:52 PM »
I love my ace when the conditions are right. I still have the surface factory 1500. Its paid for itself and then some.
Just another bowling fool