Equipment Boards => Storm => Topic started by: kmanestor22 on January 07, 2006, 10:45:46 AM
In a LoMar Bowling Supply special offer, they listed a red/silver Hot Rod Super Sport TSL. Anyonlse hear anything about it?
Everyone get all the breaks but me. I earn every pin I get.
News to me, but with Storm getting ready to re-vamp their line up again anything is possible.
-Chris: DJ's Pro Shop : Auburn, MA
I was surprised they didn't release a hot line ball with the Passion, as seeing they usually do release a new low end ball along with there new high end release. The Dark Thunder seemed a little too elusive to be considered a normal release as well...
I am a dragon. I eat things whole and alive. I live by a life of sin. I have an attitude worse than you can imagine. And I don't give a f*ck what you think...
I looked at the flyer again. They had the wrong color for the Paradigm too. They probably meant the Hot Rod SS Pearl.
Everyone get all the breaks but me. I earn every pin I get.