that was fun giving Jamie a hard time on Monday. After all, I've been trying to get him to drill that thing up for about 4-5 weeks now. and what do you know... he drills it up and shoots 879. (sarcasm on) I mean geez, what a house bowler, averages 240 in league and then only averages like 220 in Utah on a sport shot

. (sarcasm off) but no seriously he is probably the best bowler I have ever watched. He is one of those bowlers that could cut it with the big boys if he really wanted to. In fact I bet if he weren't a lefty then he'd have 5 or 6 900s by now

"Strive to be perfect, that is afterall the only way to become perfect.""If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans."
Taken from DesiderataProud user of Columbia 300 and Visionary Bowling Products