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Author Topic: New Storm Arsenal (Updated)  (Read 733 times)


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New Storm Arsenal (Updated)
« on: December 29, 2006, 11:00:12 PM »

This week I have gotten the chance to get 4 balls drilled up. I got three Flash Forces and the Special Agent.

My first Flash Force I had a stronger label drill put on it. This ball is extremely smooth and perfect for any medium house shot.

Flash Force #2 I almost had drilled identical to Flash Force #3. Both had pins of 2.5 so I decided to do pin above bridge with cg kicked right 1/2 an inch right. (Did not get to roll this ball yet)

Flash Force #3 I decided to go pin under bridge with cg kicked right 1/2 inch. (Did not have a chance to throw this ball yet either)

The Special Agent is one SWEET ball. I went 7/ 9/ and then I made a subtle hand change. I ended up shooting 268 out of the box! This ball hits like nothing else and at the 2000 grit that I left it at, it still covered a great amount of area. The ball also looks sweet going down the lane.

I messed up and told my driller the wrong thumb pitch so I ripped the side of my thumb after the second frame with my Special. I decided to throw it two handed because I can still be pretty consistent that way and throwing it like this I was playing about 32-5 instead of 20-5.

Thanks to my thumb I wasnt able to throw Flash Force #2 and #3. Next week I am getting my Spit Fired drilled and most likely getting my Domination.

I will update this post when I have more info on the house shot and when I have been able to throw the balls a little more. Any questions just feel free to message and ask.


Ok... Heres the update:

Yesterday I ended up getting my Spit Fire drilled and I also got an Agent drilled. I got the Spit Fire drilled pin above ring with the cg kicked slightly right. The Agent I had drilled like my Special ( 3 3/8 by 3 3/8).

My Spit Fire gets a good amount of length down the lane then it looks like it has been kicked sideways! I love the motion of that ball. The Agent on the other hand gives me the same look as my Special. Its a few boards weaker but I will be able to play it when the Special is to much.

Next week Im getting my Domination.

As far as the Flash Forces go:

Flash Force #1- With the label drill it is very consistent and I can either play really tight or open the lane with this ball.

Flash Force #2- Pin above bridge. This ball gives me an earlier read which helps when Flash Force #1 isnt enough to kick out the ten pin.

Flash Force #3- Pin below bridge- This ball is really sweet and the backend is strong but extremely controllable. I can pull this ball out when the lanes start to dry up just a bit.

With my Special Agent I can not say enough about this ball. This ball makes the Vertigo look weak! I loved my Vertigo and for the longest time considered it to be one of Storms best as well as one of Storms most versatile. Well now that I have my Special I have to say the Special now takes that place.

I havent had the chance to get house patterns yet

I decided to stay with 1/8 left in the thumb because after I put tape in the ball, it fit like a glove. I did try 1/8 right but I kept hanging up in the ball. The funny thing about this is I had a blister on the left side of my thumb.

If you have any questions just hit me up with a pm. I would once again like to thank my driller Chris Tomlinson of Bowlers Advantage Proshops in Nashville, Tn and also Jeff Carter because I have had some messages back and forth and he was a factor that helped me decide.

Also a big thanks to the other bowlers on this forum that put their time and knowledge of such things such as ball information and layouts.

Edited on 12/30/2006 7:59 AM