Equipment Boards => Storm => Topic started by: C300_Rye on February 22, 2006, 04:10:51 AM
i heard from a very reliable source today that a new ball is coming in the fire line a particle version that will be called the pyro thats all i have right now
Formerly Storm717 and Storm750
i heard a particle fired up but dont they have the same core i think it may be a different coverstock completly thats particle
Formerly Storm717 and Storm750
same core, particle pearl with reactor cover
they already fixed the problems with the other ball.should start shipping again
Edited on 2/22/2006 10:15 PM
Is Pyro=Fired up burn (int. release)
Here some specs on Fired up burn.
Coverstock: Reactor Extreme Pearl Particle
Weight Block: Twin V
Finish: 1500-grit Polished
Logos: Fired Up, Storm, CG burn.
Gyration: 2.54 (Med)
Differential: .049 (Med-High)
Durometer: 74-76
Track Flare: 5"-6" (Med-High)
I ve heard the same and from the way storm's balls act
this one should be a real treat to use
young guy just getting back it to the sport
Check out in forum Storm subject PYRO for more info.