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Author Topic: New stuff  (Read 1083 times)


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New stuff
« on: September 26, 2005, 10:40:19 AM »
Got them today and they are both a little polished. That means they will be very good for me. Very good. Paradigm logo on the ball is pretty cool looking also. When I first looked at the ball it reminded me of the Lakers. I will write about them later in the week when I drill them. I was in the computer room and I looked outside and when I did I saw the brown truck and this girl who was probably about 5'2 and maybe 110 pounds about halfway up my driveway struggling with the case box. I wasn't laughing at all but don't you find that odd that this little lady would have to deliver something that heavy. CJ

Oh yeah, The box says the Super sport is Ambrosia Fragrance and it is Magenta/Purple and the Paradigm is Gold/Silver/Purple and says Aromatherapy: Concentration.



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Re: New stuff
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2005, 01:31:23 AM »
i know what your talking about CJ the UPS guy hates me
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