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Author Topic: next up ......  (Read 1387 times)


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next up ......
« on: February 10, 2013, 11:17:59 AM »
So I'm sure many of us are interested in storms upcoming releases. But I still believe there are some interesting combinations to try. I'm am almost certain there will be a pearl counterpart to the sync. But what approach will storm take to not copy the present pearls in their company, but not make another love hate ball like the nano pearl. Actually the Summer releases cover most of the ideas for a bowling ball. But I think storm could not go wrong by making a new line that reincarnates previous successful balls such as the virtual gravity. It obviously isn't going to outclassed anything with nrg. But still has a place in any bowlers arsenal. Some more to add to the lists are the following: agent, shift, spit fire, t-road solid and pearl. Add to this list if you agree with this topic and think I missed a great ball in this list.
League: Pitch Purple, Destiny Magenta
Testing: MVP
Interests: Black Widow, Proof Solid, Idol Pearl