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Author Topic: No more Storm.  (Read 3805 times)


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No more Storm.
« on: October 05, 2005, 04:16:12 PM »
I'm switching to COLUMBIA 300 my friends.

I've sold my X-Factor, and benched my Xtreme. My Screamin' Banshee will stay in the bag for now, but I've ordered a EPX T1, a Backyard Bully, and a Power Drive to be arriving early next week. I got a used Complete Chaos that hits harder and is more versatile than any Storm I've ever thrown before.

We'll see how the new Columbia balls do, but either way, no more Storm for me.

"Does it hit like a wet turd?  Then it's probably one of the 10,000 different X-Factors that was released last month."  "Nothing Shi+s like a Storm!"
Some people say that Bowling is a lot like Golf.
It's fickle and precise, not to mention that the equipment is especially important.
I've been known to break golf clubs and throw them in lakes to take out my frustration...
Do you think I'd get in trouble if I chucked my X-Factor through the pro shop window?



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Re: No more Storm.
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2005, 12:30:31 AM »
Why the post?

Ummmm.... Isn't that what the forum's are for?
"Man, I HATE this ball. It always hits like a WET TURD."

"Ah, must be one of the 10,000 different X-Factors that Storm released last month."


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Re: No more Storm.
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2005, 01:14:55 AM »
This is the same guy that wanted to buy 3 of my Storm balls a day or two ago.

Pretty funny if you ask me.


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Re: No more Storm.
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2005, 11:07:42 AM »
Goodbye and good ridenance....the Xtreme was a POS and the X-factor is a tinge outdated even though mine still packs a punch, the screamin' is a good overall ball.  I almost squirted water out my nose when you said a complete choas is more versitile than any storm ball.  Throw a vertigo or a fired up or a diablo and then talk to me....
"You aren't carrying unless it says S-T-O-R-M on the side of the ball."  "Nothing hits like a storm"
"Oops, Looks like we are going to need another timmy."  -Dr Lizard, "Dinosaurs"


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Re: No more Storm.
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2005, 11:17:13 AM »
I've seen a EPX in action, and I have to say it's not as impressive as I thought it would be. I'll throw with any ball co., but my love is the Storm Fired Up. The Fired Up (to me) can cover more boards and hit ALOT harder than the EPX I've seen. I'm not trying to say Storm is better than Columbia, but it's certainly not under Columbia. Maybe it's your throw.??
Mmm.... BEER. -Homer J. Simpson

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Edited on 10/6/2005 11:12 AM


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Re: No more Storm.
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2005, 11:20:20 AM »
Complete Chaos is a very versatile ball, but you must remember that it depends on the ball. I get the most versatility from particle pearls and solid reactives with a light polish, but a guy I bowl league with gets the best overall versatility from his Real Deal and old 4D Hammer. Who knows...

Big Willy Style

PS...mmike, why the new name?
Just my $0.02; so take it for what the Foreign Exchange values it at!
"I was raised by a cup of coffee..."
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Honorary Member of the F.O.S. (and also the best back-up bowler the Saws have ever had)!


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Re: No more Storm.
« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2005, 11:27:29 AM »
I love Columbia on certain lanes around here.  Everyone I have works there.

Another place I go loves storm!

I think that Screamin is a GREAT ball from throwing it a few times.

Also love the new Diablo!!!  UmmmmmUmmm~!

Both great companies seem to work different places in general.


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: No more Storm.
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2005, 12:23:25 AM »
Wow.....been bowling seriously since June 2005.  In 4 months you have attained the great wisdom and knowledge that will lead you to the promised land of 300's, and 800's.  Columbia could use someone like you to buy there balls.
When you throw the ball with a wet noodle, than it will hit like a turd.....can't argue there


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Re: No more Storm.
« Reply #8 on: October 07, 2005, 10:10:58 PM »
LOL, I love this post!

First of all, I was trying to get you Storm groupies "Fired Up" (pun definitely intended).

Part of my problem is that I have changed my hand positions and grips... I need to have my balls re-fitted for span and thumb positions/pitch. This will solve some of my problems, but some of the problems I'm experiencing are definitely inherent in the ball.

By the way, I throw the ball quite well, thank you. I will blame almost everything on user error, but my Triple Xtreme is a PIECE OF POO! Vertigo sucks as well. I had an X-Factor (original) when I first started bowling seriously, and I loved it, but it was 14# and I moved up to 15, so I sold it. My Screamin' Banshee is a very nice ball as well. Versatile as hell.

But you have to admit, it's a bit ridiculous how many X-Factors have been realeased by Storm here recently... They took something GREAT and beat it down like a dead horse.

Trifecta is a superb ball and the only one they've gotten right since the original. Ace is awful. Vertigo is terribla. Triple X and Triple Xtreme are both duds. Reloaded is OKAY, but nothing like it's predecesor... Same for Deuce. Fired Up seems to be really nice from what I've seen although I've never thrown one. Diablo is getting good reviews, but locally I've seen and heard mixed things. Drill sensitive I suppose. I like the Screamin' the most.

Overall, Storm just doesn't seem to match up well with me for some reason. I started here because my local pro-shop owner is sponsored by Storm and pushes their equpment at nice deals. The "Master Line" leaves something to be desired. A waste of money, as are most of the "upper class" balls in most brands. The real money with Storm is in the Fire and the Eraser Lines. I will be holding on to my Screamin' Banshee, although I will be re-drilling the thumb and see what that does. I may be selling it, so let me know if you're interested... But My Xtreme is getting the boot. If you want one, I've got one.

Also, I didn't just pick the Columbia Complete Chaos up and come to this sudden realization. I got it back in July and have thrown it MANY times. Had the thumb adjusted a couple times and that ball is ridiculous. Amazing. Phenominal. I've thrown a couple of other Colubia balls with GREAT results. I think I may match up to their balls better for some reason, whether it be the core or the stock. Maybe it's mental, who knows?? LOL. All I know is that Columbia works for me. I have many other brands to experiment with in the future, but Storm, for me, for now, is done.

Oh, and sbla... I'm not looking for 300's and 800's... I'm looking for a ball that doesn't die after 20 games. A ball that doesn't have to be re-released under a new (but somehow strikingly similar) name every 2 weeks because they know they are producing duds. I'm looking for a ball that will LAST. The Complete Chaos is 3 years old with hundreds of games on it and it out-hooks, out-powers, out-carries, and is simply more versatile than any of the Storm balls I've thrown. I'm simply looking to have fun, not to be perfect. I just refuse to let half-rate equipment hold me back.

Columbia has stood the test of time for a reason. Storm is still a baby and I'm sure they will find their place... just like me.

"Man, I HATE this ball. It always hits like a WET TURD."

"Ah, must be one of the 10,000 different X-Factors that Storm released last month."


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Re: No more Storm.
« Reply #9 on: October 08, 2005, 07:48:47 AM »
There are so many inconsistencies in your post that I don't know where to start, so I won't.  
Penn State Proud

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Brunswick Bowler

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Re: No more Storm.
« Reply #10 on: October 09, 2005, 07:00:38 AM »
I hate to break it too you, but all the top ball manufacturers put out more stuff than is useful.  Columbia is no better than Storm in that matter.  I personally like Brunswick, but they are no better than Storm or Columbia when it comes to this.  There really aren't any duds in the market.  The key is to find equipment no matter who the manufacturer is that matches your game and lane conditions.  So I have a difficult time  understanding your point.

Oh, and in case your forgot.  While they were great balls for a short life span the Chaos series was known for one thing...TEC death.  So your point of finding a ball that lasts longer than 20 games and jumping on the Complete Chaos band wagon doesn't add up either.

If you like Columbia that's great for you, but that has absolutely nothing to do with the quality of equipment sold by Storm.  Do some research and find what works best for you.  Sounds like your inablity to do this is the "dud" not the equipment.

Also, does it make sense to say how great a company is based on throwing a ball that was produced 6 years ago?

Edited on 10/9/2005 7:09 AM


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Re: No more Storm.
« Reply #11 on: October 09, 2005, 11:27:30 AM »
Brunswick Bowler is 100% correct.

In my time that I have been 100% Storm, I have not liked MANY balls I have tried, but I also have MANY that are great.

I did not like the Reloaded, or the Triple Extreme, or the Banshee.  I LOVE the Deuce, Vertigo, Trifecta, Ace, Triple XXX, Diablo, Flash Force, Screamin Banshee, Hot Rod, Original X Factor, and Depth Charge.

But, the ball fit your game.  What works for me, may not work for you.

Also, you cannot say Storm has run the X Factor name into the gound unless you are going to bring up the 100+ variations of the ZONE the Brunswick has produced.



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Re: No more Storm.
« Reply #12 on: October 09, 2005, 07:44:08 PM »
Every company has good balls, every company has bad balls:  We can all sit here and name every crappy ball columbia has ever made.  However the point is, my game is not that different from yours I am too a power stroker, which is above average speed, average-above average revolutions I believe columbia balls dont work for me as well due to the arc nature of columbia balls in general.  I favor the skid snap reaction, hence why I like storm and morich equipment.  I believe columbia equipment is better for high rev and high speed or medium speed players....take that what you will
"You aren't carrying unless it says S-T-O-R-M on the side of the ball."  "Nothing hits like a storm"
"Oops, Looks like we are going to need another timmy."  -Dr Lizard, "Dinosaurs"


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Re: No more Storm.
« Reply #13 on: October 11, 2005, 01:26:25 PM »
Also, does it make sense to say how great a company is based on throwing a ball that was produced 6 years ago?

Well, I've been VERY loyal to Columbia300 for a long time now, due to the Cuda/C series (which if I'm not mistaken, was from circa. 1995...correct?). I have never pledged allegience to just one company, because that is just dumb, and it limits your choices for reaction (unless you're on staff, and they pay you the $$$ to throw just their equipment). EVERYONE that likes one company over another on this site is because they had success with a few of the balls from that included Brunswick Bowler...otherwise you wouldn't name yourself that if you thought their balls sucked!

Big Willy Style my current arsenal, I have: Brunswick, Lane#1, Morich, Visionary, Columbia300, Storm, and Ebonite!
Just my $0.02; so take it for what the Foreign Exchange values it at!
"I was raised by a cup of coffee..."
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Honorary Member of the F.O.S. (and also the best back-up bowler the Saws have ever had)!