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Author Topic: Not certain How my Trifecta is drilled up  (Read 874 times)


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Not certain How my Trifecta is drilled up
« on: February 02, 2006, 11:52:25 PM »
Im a fairly new bowler and im not that savy with ball layouts.  Ive looked at the drilling patterns given by Storm but wanted some confirmation on how my Trifecta was drilled up.  The ball isnt doing what I want and other people have had some problems with the proshop, and there isnt another one nearby that I can have check it.  I will do my best to decribe how it is drilled.

First off im a med speed, med rev righty, my track is 2-3 inches left of the middle finger and about 2 inches left of the thumb.  The pin is an inch above and an inch to the right of the ring finger, the rad is an inch to the right of the thumb, and the cg is lined up with the pin and rad halfway between the fingers and thumb.  There is also a weight hole 3 inches to the right of the cg.

I would like to know what kind of drilling this is and what I should be expecting from it.  I hope my description helps.



Edited on 2/3/2006 9:42 AM



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Re: Not certain How my Trifecta is drilled up
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2006, 11:23:05 AM »
What you have described appears to be a stacked leverage drill.This is a popular drill and should give you a skid/snap look.

I might be helpful if you told us what the ball is not doing that you find disappointing.

President and CEO Visionite Stormy Buzzwick LTD


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Re: Not certain How my Trifecta is drilled up
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2006, 09:16:28 PM »
Thanks for the replies.

When I got the ball drilled up I asked for something that rolled early and had a smooth arc.  I wanted it for heavy oil, carry down and playing across the middle when the shot called for it.  I already have a Smokin Inferno to use on med oil with a skid/snap reaction.  I left the ball in oob condition because I assumed it was drilled for my needs, but it sounds like it wasnt.  This makes some sense because I can play a similar line as the Smokin with this ball, only standing about 3 boards farther left and it doesnt hit as hard. Ive also been trying to lay it down early and not throwing it to get it down the lane.  I guess im not sure what to do with this ball now.  The proshop owner doesnt bowl herself, and only does this part time, and there are a lot of complaints about her.  So though I dont plan on any future purchases from there, I still need a ball that is stronger than the Smokin.   One that can handle heavy oil, and I can go to when carry down makes the Smokin squirty.   So the new question is what options do I have now and whats the best one?

I can get the ball plugged and redrilled properly for arc and early roll, by someone else or give her specific details how to redo it.

I can alter the surface, maybe polish it up and go with the length and sharp breaking point for a skid/snap reaction a little stronger than the SI.  Im just not sure if it will handle heavier oil this way.  

I got an offer to trade it strait up for a Shock and Awe.

Lastly I could just get rid of the ball and replace it with an Ultimate or Scorchin inferno.

Any suggestions or insight are most welcome.

thanks again for your time.


Edited on 2/3/2006 10:37 PM