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Author Topic: Old balls (psst...they work just as well as the new stuff)...  (Read 3345 times)


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I've gotten on a kick recently where I'm into buying/trading for older stuff, redrilling/resurfacing it and using it in league, almost as much to experiment as anything else.

I usually bowl on THC but this summer I'm in a PBA Regional shot league, where the patterns rotate every three weeks. We just got finished with week two of Pattern 3.

Before I go any further, I would like to take the time to say the following to whoever designed Pattern 2: **** you.

Now that that's been taken care of, on to the subject of the post...

I used to be really into buying the latest ball that came out, whatever the cost. Before I was married, this was not only possible, it was fun. After you get married, you quickly find that your wife doesn't exactly see $200/month or more for bowling equipment as a necessary expense. Not to mention that you can't really afford it.

Over the past few months, though, I've managed to get my hands on a Thunder, a La Nina, an X-Factor Mission 35 (overseas, apparently an original X-Factor given the specs), a Deuce and a Depth Charge. I'm probably a week away from getting a ReLoaded.

I've always been a big fan of the Thunder and X-Factor lines. What I've found with some of these "last-generation" balls is that the performance on THC is more predictable. As a bonus, they're more versatile on the PBA shots we've played on, too.

I'm fortunate that I don't need rev or speed help, so for me it's more a matter of matching up the ball to the condition and the line I can play (I'm inaccurate once I have to go 4th arrow or left of it). This past week, I had a great look from the Deuce and the Depth Charge. Others on my pair and on lanes around me were using latest-and-greatest stuff and really having a hard time of it.

I haven't abandoned new stuff altogether. I got a pro-pin Paradigm and a Dark Thunder this year, too. They're great balls, and I hope by the end of the calendar year to add the two Thunderstruck balls.

My point, if there is one, is that I think people put too much emphasis on having to have the latest thing, when something a year or two old but still in good shape can perform just as well -- or better, depending on how aggressive the ball is and how tricky the conditions you're facing are. I also happen to own a Track Machine -- absolutely one of the strongest balls I've ever thrown, incredible move at the breakpoint, but really touchy on our PBA shots. It's nice to have in the bag, but at least the last couple of weeks, some ol' X-Factors were the way to go.




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Re: Old balls (psst...they work just as well as the new stuff)...
« Reply #16 on: July 18, 2006, 05:39:12 PM »
hrmm.. how about..  Purple Pearl Night Hawk M2, Trauma Responce, the original purple dull beast and a blue dot from who knows when in the go every where bag.  then at home waiting to be unleashed again is the XXX-factor. The newest things I personaly have gotten is the RS-X in the at home box, and the Super Sonic that I goofed on, and will be looking to trade or sell at some point.  so yeah.. GO OLD BOWLING BALLS!

Storm: XXX X-Factor
       Trauma responce
Roto: RS-X
      Super sonic
AMF:  Nighthawk, M2 (the purple pearl one)


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Re: Old balls (psst...they work just as well as the new stuff)...
« Reply #17 on: July 18, 2006, 10:43:19 PM »
Bracket Creep,

  My bad.  It was H.S.P.  I went and checked.  I should have paid more attention, I knew you were right as soon as I saw it. The old A.S.U. balls I had were a Cheetah and Eliminator.
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Albert Einstein

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