Equipment Boards => Storm => Topic started by: Ric Clint on March 10, 2005, 03:54:02 PM
I just wanted to let everybody know about this old ball, which is a true GEM of a DRY lane ball! I've already talked to charlest about this, but I just wanted to share with some of you guys that have had the Blue Hot Flame and have scored great with this ball.
It's got a 2" PIN. The PIN is between the fingers and the CG is about 3/4" right of the center line. It had about 30 games on it and in really great shape.
I threw it tonight after league to see what it would do on a broken down shot and this thing will not move a board. You're gonna have to have some SERIOUS dry to turn the ball around.
My Sonic X original that I got a few days ago, on this shot, was turning pretty good on the backend. I've not been this impressed with a Medium/Light Oil ball in a long time... it's too strong and too early for Light Oil, but on Medium/Light Oil, the Sonic X is awesome! I love the Sonic X on true Medium/Light Oil!
The Blue Hot is just like charlest has said before, "it rolls like a plastic ball with the HIT of a resin ball."
This ball is going to be ALOT weaker than what I was looking for. I would have to say that the Blue Hot Flame is probably the very best "true" DRY lane ball ever created!
I wanted something that went a bit longer than the Sonic X and had slightly less backend... but the Blue Hot is just TOO weak in comparison. I can actually fit a whole nother ball between the Sonic X and the Blue Hot. It would be rare that I would ever see enough DRY to use the Blue Hot! But when I do see DRY, this ball will kill it!!!
I would actually like to stock up on these Blue Hot's in either 14lb or 15lb because there is not another ball that rolls like this older GEM of a ball! This ball is known by several of the users on this as "the" DRY lane ball to have! I agree!
So my search continues... for a ball to go under the Sonic X.
I wonder if the Big Hit Teal/Purple Pearl (or any of the Big Hit Pearls) would do it?
I know it would be similar to the Blue Hot, but I'm wondering if it would have a touch more backend than the Blue Hot?
When I threw the Blue Hot, it seemed to have a very "heavy" roll to it as if it was actually particle. I know it's NOT a particle of course, but it just had that heavy feel to it like the way a particle ball does? It didn't roll like a regular reactive or pearlized ball does. It's got to be something to do with the ultra fleck, or super fleck, that was added to the coverstock that makes it roll like that.
Ric, If you can get another BH drill it stronger with a 45 degree drill and hit the cover with liquid sandpaper and you will have the perfect ball to fit under your Sonic. Great ball for light oil and broken down late shift bowling. I still have mine in 16#, drilled as I described above,but have since replaced it with a 15# Slayer. Slayer is not as good in carrydown as the BH and is more condition specific. I tried to replace the BH with a 15# I purchased on site but was screwed the seller sent a 16#.
I would look into a Barbed should be under your Sonic X given the correct drilling. I had one and it hooked more than my Blue Hot, but wasn't as jumpy as a Sonic X (solid) that I had.
-Chris: DJ's Pro Shop : Auburn, MA
Ric, I've been meaning to go back and post in your SonicX vs BHP post, but I keep forgetting, so I'll do it here. I finally got a chance to throw my SonicX, and there is definitely room in the bag for both of these. They are 2 completely different animals.
The SonicX is very even and arcy and because of that it can handle slightly more oil than the BHP.
The BHP is skid/flip to the max. It must have dry boards to turn the corner.
I think a BHP drilled just slightly weaker than your SonicX would fit nicely between it and the Blue Hot Flame.
Rub it in.. I can't get a hold of a dry lane ball and you get the best one ever made... figures
Rub it in.. I can't get a hold of a dry lane ball and you get the best one ever made... figures
Have you tried a Dyno Thane BARRAGE? It's similar to the Blue Hot. I think the Barrage rolls slightly earlier and possibly has a touch more backend. This ball is awesome! It carry's alot better than regular pancake cores do!
crankncrash... What weight do you throw? I've got an old 16lb'r that could be yours if you want it?
Gotta love it when you make a drop in weight and ya gotta get rid of your old equipment!
-Chris: DJ's Pro Shop : Auburn, MA
Answering the last 2, no i haven't thrown the barrage, but I am currently working on funding its purchase through the dumping of other equipment. 2 I throw only 15lb, I will not go back to 16, thanks for the offer.