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Author Topic: One ball stronger, one ball weaker to compliment tour iq solid benchmark ball?  (Read 8124 times)


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What would you guys suggest for two balls, one stronger, and one weaker to compliment my pin down tour iq? Still want that same smooth motion of the tour iq. Some of you might say ink for the weaker ball. I have an ink with a high pin that I hate. Useless for wet dry or any kind of friction with that drill. Hooks more than my tour iq. Do you think plugging the ink, and dropping it to a low pin like I have in the iq tour would make that much of a difference, change the motion that much?
« Last Edit: December 06, 2018, 09:16:46 PM by Geigs »



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Idol for above perhaps (though big jump admittedly).  Strong and fairly smooth.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2018, 11:10:21 PM by BowlingForDonuts »
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I had the same experience with the INK so I sold it. Step down, Hyroad Pearl. Step up, Idol, Phaze 2, or PhysiX.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2018, 11:11:57 PM by AlonzoHarris »
Current Rotation:
Code X
Code Black
Axiom Pearl
Phaze III
IQ Tour


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I say Idol and Hy-Road Pearl for what you've described. Me personally, I like to have something between the Tour and the Hy-Road Pearl. Idol to me shapes a lot like the IQ Tour, but you might need to use the same layouts to still have that similar shape.
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The INK backends more than the iQ Tour.  I have a pin down INK and I keep a 4000 surface on.  It's quite good.  The box shine makes that ball crazy over/under.  It clears the fronts easier that the iQ Tour.  I'd say it goes a good 8 feet longer.  It's great a fresh shots when right on the oil line but once you need to move in, put it away.  On wood lanes, there is nothing better. I can bring that 1 ball to a wood lane house and hit the pocket all night.

Keeping the same shape, the IDOL above the iQ Tour.  THe ball below will depend if you are looking for more push and backend.  If yes, the the INK is a good choice.  If not, I think the IDOL pearl is good.  A weak drilled SONiQ is a good choice too.  ... and don't forget another iQ Tour shined up with a length layout.  You just have to decide what a "ball down" means.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2018, 07:25:34 AM by BeerLeague »

Impending Doom

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Does it have to be Utah? (Here I come with Global suggestions!)

Under the IQ Tour, After Dark.
Above the IQ Tour, Claw.

Ball similar but stronger than the IQ, Truth Tour.

My duty here is done!


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I think the hardest part in answering this question is the ball down part. Anymore lanes tend to break down in the front, causing strong balls to hook early, and be slower downlane. When you grab a "weaker" ball it often times clears the heads better, but hooks more on the backend because it saved more energy, which then to a lot of people seems to make it stronger, not weaker.

I work with a lot of people locally and the hardest thing to do is when they want a weaker ball and don't want to move, it's not always an easy thing to do.

All of that being said, tend to have to go with a large val angle on weaker equipment to get them to change direction slower, to accomplish what you are looking for, I still say the Hustle Ink, Match Up Black Pearl, Hustle P/O/W are balls that fit what you are looking for, but surface and layout are very important.
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Stronger:  Code X
Weaker:  Hustle INK (4000 + polish)

If you are looking for that smooth IQ Tour look, then the Code X will fit nicely for your stronger ball.  The Code X has been described as a cross between the Sure Lock and IQ Tour.  For your weaker ball, even though you hate yours, I still think the Hustle INK fits but with a surface adjustment.  I have the same layout as you, but I use 4000 + polish on mine and it has made a significant difference compared to OOB surface.


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Step up: Phaze II
Honorable mention: Code X, Idol

Step down: Winner Solid
Honorable mention: Hustle Ink
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max revs

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I'm with Doom if ok with global I think a truth tour would be amazing ball above and after dark solid for ball under. And I have thrown the iq tour solid so I have a good idea!! :)