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Author Topic: Opinions on the Recharge  (Read 949 times)


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Opinions on the Recharge
« on: October 08, 2004, 05:06:07 AM »

Who out there is currently throwing the Recharge?  I have a couple of customers looking for something under an X-factor and a triple X for a fried head wood house...backends are warm, with carrydown after a game or two...

I'm not sure the Prostock Pearl is going to be enough ball and afraid the Recharge might be too much....

Both guys are tweeners and both balls are drilled skid snap, pin above bridge/ring
CG's kicked a little....

I haven't thrown the Recharge yet myself, looking for a quick comparison.  


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Re: Opinions on the Recharge
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2004, 12:40:34 AM »
the recharge is a fantastic bowling ball, i am a cranker throwing it around 18mph average.... i have my recharge drilled modified stacked... with the cg kicked in a little (2 inch pin).... it is a little more aggressive than stated on the website.... mine gets through the heads nicely and starts rolling a little harder in the midlane and still has a lot of enery in the back on a medium oil condition... it can be used on dry as long as you swing it... and oil you'd have to be playing the twig... the pro stock pearl is supposed to be more like the blue thunder is what i heard from robert smith... so that would be an aggressive ball for dryer conditions and less versatile for medium oil... the recharge i think would be a perfect compliment to the x-factor and triple x... i just drilled an ace today and it fits perfectly inbetween the x-factor reloaded and recharge... the hitting power of the recharge is extraordinary and on wood lanes... from when i talked to robert smtih... it is awesome and i agree... i think the recharge would be a great choice....
Well.... how do you say.... YER DONE!
Mason Sherman
Hammer Regional Staff
Vise Regional Staff


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Re: Opinions on the Recharge
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2004, 12:30:48 PM »
I have one, drilled label.  Nice ball, goes pretty long before it revs, and the Monsoon gives it that nice patented HARD arc to the pocket.  It still snaps at the backend, but it's very controllable and predictable.  I don't know about burnt heads, but Monsoon seems to be very clean through the heads anyway.  I don't know if it'd be under the X though, maybe just a little, and the difference would have to be the drilling.  It reacts a lot like the X does too . .
No, really, I like you.  Now, by all means, feel free to go fornicate yourself with a sharp object.