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Author Topic: Optimus vs IQ Fusion  (Read 4257 times)


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Optimus vs IQ Fusion
« on: September 30, 2014, 06:27:38 PM »
The Storm website chart shows these 2 balls fairly similar.  What would you say are the differences and what would be best for THS?
MOTIV Jackal LE .................40 x 4.5 x 40 p2.5
MOTIV Revolt Vengeance......45 x 4.0 x 50 p3
MOTIV Forza GT ..................50 x 4.0 x 70 p2.5
MOTIV Sigma Sting..............50 x 4.0 x 45 p3



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Re: Optimus vs IQ Fusion
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2014, 07:52:22 PM »
Can only speak from limited experience -- but I love the IQ when the lane dry up a bit-- can play outside or inside and get great action.  But I was speaking with  a friend today and he said his entire house has gone with the Optimus-- jokingly he said it takes him two minutes to find his ball with all the Optimus' on the return

Like I said the IQ works nice for me-- think it might be a toss up  I almost bought the Optimus but the Pro I went to for lesson's told me the IQ would be better on the back end than the Optimus


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Re: Optimus vs IQ Fusion
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2014, 08:34:29 PM »
Havent thrown the Optimus, but supposedly it is a first cousin to the marvel pearl.  Optimus and Fusion both look like great balls from what I have seen.  I think they are all a bit better on tournament patterns than on house shots, but then everything usually works on house shots. 


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Re: Optimus vs IQ Fusion
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2014, 03:33:45 PM »
My main concern between the Optimus and the IQ Fusion is that the Optimus is a pearl and the Fusion is a Hybrid.

While I have had success with hybrid covers, I have never tried a pearl.  Are pearls more sensitive to slight release variations or oil lines?  Do you need to be really consistent to throw a pearl?  Or maybe a pearl would allow a lower rev bowler more chance to get some area and open up the lanes?  Thanks!
MOTIV Jackal LE .................40 x 4.5 x 40 p2.5
MOTIV Revolt Vengeance......45 x 4.0 x 50 p3
MOTIV Forza GT ..................50 x 4.0 x 70 p2.5
MOTIV Sigma Sting..............50 x 4.0 x 45 p3


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Re: Optimus vs IQ Fusion
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2014, 05:38:27 PM »
I wouldn't say that in general pearls are more or less sensitive to release variations. In my experience that's been more of a characteristic of a given ball whether it's solid, hybrid or pearl.

A pearl could open up the lanes more for you, especially once the lanes start to break down. Typically I'd expect more length and better recovery on the backend with a pearl, but cover/core strength also play into that as well as the oil pattern. I wouldn't hesitate to add a pearl to your lineup if that's your concern. I'd much rather have some variety in the bag rather than all hybrid, or solid or pearl covered balls. You never know what you match up with until you try it.

Not sure what to tell you on the Optimus vs Fusion. Like others have said, I think they're close. I'd guess the main difference is in the reaction shape. I have a 3yo Marvel Pearl(same cover but different core than the Optimus) that I "replaced" with a Fusion and they're not that far apart but they are different.

Comparing the Marvel Pearl to the Fusion, on a house shot I'm about 2 boards with my feet and 2 boards on the lane left of where I am with my Marvel Pearl. On a sport shot it may be more like 4 and 2. I do think the Fusion can handle a little more oil but that gap may not exist with the Optimus. Fusion is definitely stronger on the backend but if you hit the dry with it too early it will read much earlier than the Marvel Pearl. Marvel Pearl may be a touch longer but more smooth(but still strong) on the backend. So I'd say the Marvel Pearl is slightly more controllable on the backend. I'd expect a similar reaction with the Optimus as the Marvel Pearl, it just might be slightly stronger overall than the Marvel Pearl.

Kind of going off on a tangent about release inconsistency here:
Not knowing how consistent your release is, it could also be argued that if you're seeing sensitivity in a ball's reaction that it could be due to the ball's surface and not release variation. If you don't like a ball's reaction consistently over time I wouldn't hesitate to change the surface. Surface changes can make a huge difference.

For example I've never met a Storm pearl I didn't like but hate the box 1500 polished finish most of them come with(Marvel Pearl, Optimus and IQ Fusion all come like this). For me that surface hooks too hard off the dry and doesn't hook enough in oil giving me an over/under reaction. 9 times out of 10 I hit them with a 2000 Abralon and I get a great reaction then - I had to do this with both my Marvel Pearl and Fusion and various other Storm 1500 polished balls over the last 6-8-10 years. If I'd never tried changing the surface I'd probably be saying most of Storm's pearls are too sensitive and to stay away from them, and I'd be missing out on what I think is some great equipment.


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Re: Optimus vs IQ Fusion
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2014, 09:51:09 AM »
I have both, drilled similar.  The the IQ fusion is way weaker.  Not going to read anyone else's posts.

The optimus is my wood lane benchmark reaction.  When the shot breaks down and my optimus is not just carrying and I have to force the ball to the pocket ..the IQTF comes out and is perfect.

The IQTF core feels like it gets a few more feet before it revs up, the cover is weaker and the it rolls much smoother off the spot.  The optimus just makes a huge move where as the IQTF doesnt.

I was concerned that they would overlap...they do not.  For me the fusion fits in between the optimus and the hyroad pretty darn well. 
In the bag [Infinite Physix, Volatility Torque, Night Road, Phaze III, Burner Solid, Hustle AU]
*Now Testing* IQ Ruby, Renevant, another IQ Tour solid
Coming soon...???