I have two of the Erasers and two of the EPP. Love the Eraser line. I did have an Erase-it, but sold it when I switched back to 16's. I would say that with good back ends the EPP is stonger as Steve said. I use my Eraser on med-dry or really strong backends. The EPP's are used on more Medium conditions, maybe even a little wetter if the backends are there. I have an extensive Storm arsenal and the new EPP's are normally the first thing out of the bag. I go up or down, longer or shorter from there. If you like the Erasers, I think you will love the Eraser PP. I have one drilled pin 5 1/2-11:30 and the other 4 1/2 - 12:00. They do exactly what you would expect from the drills, very dependable.