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Author Topic: Overlap between Flash Flood and HR Pro Stock?  (Read 1056 times)


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Overlap between Flash Flood and HR Pro Stock?
« on: September 28, 2004, 05:27:07 PM »
Hey Storm guys,

Looking to build a potential three ball Storm Arsenal with
the Flash Flood, Hot Rod Pro Stock and Pro Stock Pearl.  To be used
on tournament type wood house conditions - not synthetics.
I'm not sure how much if any overlap I'll see between the
Flood and the Pro Stock if any.  Storm seems to tout the Pro Stock as
a heavy oil ball, I seem to think it'll be more of a medium to med-heavy
ball, with the Flood being used for just that - heavy oil.  If they
are real close, any idea on layouts to separate them more, in other words
do I want to weaken the Pro Stock with a pin over ring/bridge type of layout
or should I be looking at another ball to go between the Flood and the
Pro Stock Pearl?

I'm a weak tweener around 17 mph...PAP 5.25 0 up....fairly high track...


Bowling Services Unlimited



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Re: Overlap between Flash Flood and HR Pro Stock?
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2004, 08:33:42 AM »

I believe the general consensus is that the Pro Stock is great for medium oil patterns and will cover a little bit into medium-heavy (if you have the hand) and a more into the medium-light oil section. It is not for heavier oils, especially if you're a "weak tweener".

Compare its specs to the Super Charge, which uses the same Monsoon solid coverstock. The SC comes 800 grit dull, while the Pro Stock comes 1500 grit polished. That alone is a huge difference. However, the SC also has an RG of 2.45 while the PS has a much high one at 2.56; the RG differential difference is even more significant: SC has .050, vs the PS .033.

This shows that the SC will handle much more oil than the Pro Stock and it does.

I think there will be very little overlap between the Flash Flood and the Hot Rod Pro Stock. Heck, there'll be almost too little, if any, and you know you should always have some overlap. Maybe a little surface modification will help that.

"We get old too fast, and too late, smart."
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Re: Overlap between Flash Flood and HR Pro Stock?
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2004, 12:46:08 PM »
Thanks for the replies, guys.  Seems like I'm headed in the right direction...
A little stronger layout on the Pro Stock'll be what the Dr. ordered...

Thanks again,

Bowling Services Unlimited