I have a Paradigm Pin 3/4in right of ring finger Cg 3in right of pin and just below, X hole just below Cg.Have played about 60 games and even tho i have not had the condition the ball requires (only played on wood with not a lot of oil)
i am still managing to ave about 210. I play straight down about 10th board only once have i had enough oil to see the potential in the ball 264 225 217 even then the shot was going half way through the 2nd game. Cant wait to play this weekend on synthectics and plenty of oil.I was thinking of gettin another one with pin below and in the middle of fingers what i want to know is what type of roll and finish would i get with this drilling. Stroker not a lot of hand 16mph. Thanks guys.
Hit em thin watch em Spin

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