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Author Topic: Paradigm-is it really worth buying  (Read 5265 times)


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Paradigm-is it really worth buying
« on: October 02, 2005, 04:16:47 PM »
Paradigm-is it really worth buying? besides the new core and coverstock does anyone think that i will really do that much better than the vertigo or trifecta? My proshop wants approximatley close to 300 something for it but is it really worth it.

Im jus a bird tryna fly



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Re: Paradigm-is it really worth buying
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2005, 12:55:13 AM »
I read your profile, and it says you average 167.  At that average, a new ball will not make a significant difference to your game.  The equipment you have is just fine right now.  If you have close to 300 to spend on a ball, you would be better served to seek out a good coach and spend your money there.  He/she would make a much bigger impact on your game than a new ball.  

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Billy Ray

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Re: Paradigm-is it really worth buying
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2005, 07:15:33 AM »
We are selling it in our pro shop for $229.95 I think anything close to $300 is a bit over priced but if he's getting it good for him.
There are many pro shops in our area so maybe we have to be more competitive price wise compared to him.

As for it being worth it, If you can afford it and your average warrants having one then after throwing mine I believe its worth the extra money.But at your level I would strongly agree with Raven about the coaching!!!
Billy Ray
"Let Us Help You Become More Competitive"
Billy Ray
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Re: Paradigm-is it really worth buying
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2005, 07:27:02 AM »
With what you have, I'd strongly agree, money spent on a good coach would be better, at this time, than a new ball. You have some good ones, just learn to use them and what they can do for you.

Don't expect any ball to get you a 300, the balls now are very good, some hook IN the box, but it's still your hand that controls it...get a good coach to teach you to control your hand and then go for it !

AZ Guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro

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Re: Paradigm-is it really worth buying
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2005, 11:18:52 AM »
I am paying 160 out the door for the vip ball, its nice to have Ebonite staffer proshop buddies sometimes They cant throw it so they give me killer deals on any storm ball they get in, i dont even know why they are on the vip program but i guess some people insist that they stock storm. I will post about my use of the ball by next week.


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Re: Paradigm-is it really worth buying
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2005, 12:00:54 AM »
I'm selling it in my shop for $224.95. I think $300 is way too much for the ball. I punched one out for myself tonight and i must say it is monsterous. Predictable though, i like it a lot.


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Re: Paradigm-is it really worth buying
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2005, 12:25:38 AM »
Tell your shop to stop raping you.


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Re: Paradigm-is it really worth buying
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2005, 01:26:16 AM »
I"ve seen it.  Rolling even!

Haven't paid much attention to the core or coverstock.

It is a different pearl.  I'm guessing some sort of non particle particle a pearl Vertigo.  It reads earlier than more traditional skid snap pearls and then seems to recover a lot while having less backend attack angle than other pearl reactives.

In other words.  To me it reminds me of Columbia's Professional(also another non particle particle pearl) with what I think is an assymetric core.  DOn't expect back row pins.  Flatter entry angle seems to eliminate 8s and 9s.

Second coming...I don't think so.  Good tool....YES.  Possibly very good!


Proud owner of a 140 first game average this year!  Don't bowl me the second two games though!  (two warm up balls in league..thanks proprietors)
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Paradigm-is it really worth buying
« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2005, 08:54:49 AM »
I had to pre-bowl yesterday and our pro-shop guy was throwing one next to us. Honestly, It seemed like something in between the AI and SI from brunswick. Not as long as the smokin but longer than the AI. His had more strong arc than snap though. Is it worth it? I bowled better than him with my fired up.

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Re: Paradigm-is it really worth buying
« Reply #9 on: October 27, 2005, 08:56:35 AM »
Rule of thumb (this is a loose rule).  If your average is higher than the cost of the ball, it's probably a good bet you could find a use for it.

But wh--what about Elite?  



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Re: Paradigm-is it really worth buying
« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2005, 03:11:26 PM »
I can only report what I saw on OUR house shot from one of our best bowlers.

Less backend than his Triple XXX.

Our house has always been a long shot that in general has not been friendly to anything but lightload particles and reactives.  Long shot low volume...sometimes a lot of carrydown.

Like all non pure reactives in this house this ball also had less backend angle(similar to pearl particles in this house).  Which really never perform very well.

Often this is good in this particular house.

I see this same softer attack angle from all non particle particles.  Ie Vertigo...TA, TSA etc.  And it seems to work really well in this house.

Those are da facts.


MOst of our top players in this house are over 17 mph at the pin deck and this flatter approach seems to get them strikes!
Proud owner of a 140 first game average this year!  Don't bowl me the second two games though!  (two warm up balls in league..thanks proprietors)
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana

J Dubs

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Re: Paradigm-is it really worth buying
« Reply #11 on: October 28, 2005, 11:40:05 AM »
I drilled a Paradigm. Used in house known for tight lanes, Brunswick Pro Anvillane, lots of carrydown by game 3 (5 Man league). Sad to report a disappointment w Paradigm. Ball does NOT flip as hard as advertised. The ball "wheels" due to the weight block, but would not face the pocket enough to carry 10's and 7's. Tried multiple angles, speeds and releases. Ball was factory finish (too shiny perhaps) drilled 4½ x 4, pin high. I do like the ball but not the 50% carry percentage I had over 2 nights of bowling. I will drill a Trifecta with a similar layout for this house. That should give me the extra read that I need.
Stay Focused and Make the Shot

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Re: Paradigm-is it really worth buying
« Reply #12 on: October 29, 2005, 12:11:36 PM »
I just got one. Drilled 5x3 pin buffer of 3 inches.

 We bowl on med to heavy oil long pattern.

Out of the box 278-300-257= 835

The ball was everything it was said to be. Very clean though the heads and when the ball made the move to the pocket it was very stong.

Edited on 10/29/2005 12:04 PM


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Re: Paradigm-is it really worth buying
« Reply #13 on: November 03, 2005, 11:45:56 AM »
One of those guys is exactly right... Anybody would know that his price is way way to high!!! Storm bowling balls are the cheapest on the market not the highest!!!! John Davis


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Re: Paradigm-is it really worth buying
« Reply #14 on: November 04, 2005, 12:54:25 AM »
I just got this ball last night and threw with it today.  this ball is sick and I mean that in a good way.  It doesn't roll like any storm ball I've had or seen.  early read wicked strong back end and continuation through the pocket.  Very responsive to changes in hand position.  On THS I could flatten out the shot and roll this up 2nd arrow and carry or move all the way in to 6th arrow and swing the ball out to 8 board and it still made it back...  with authority. Seemed to play best going 20 out to 10.  I still need to take it to a couple of other houses to see what it will do on different conditions, but I like what I see so far.  After toying around with a couple of different lines and throwing other equipment to get a comparison, I tossed three games with the scorers on.  ripped off the front 23 before I left a stone 9.  Then hit 7 more in a row before a solid 8 pin.  covered that and went off the sheet for a 3 game practice set of 878.  In my mind, this ball was worth the money just for that practice session.  Bowling in league later tonight and monday.  Will post a better review on monday night after I get a look at this ball on some other conditions.