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Author Topic: Paradigm, My Review and Pics  (Read 4846 times)


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Paradigm, My Review and Pics
« on: October 15, 2005, 04:55:36 AM »
So I picked up my Paradigm last night, long awaited.. The girl on the desk at the bowling centre wanted to charge us £4.25 a game (almost $8) so we declined. I threw it this morning back in my house, which is wood with 10ft Guardian, quite dry but cheap - £3 for 10 games, if you know the right people ;-)

Anyway as the layout hopefully shows, this ball has the pin above my bridge, which for me is 5" from my axis. Pin is 3.75" above my grip centreline. RAD+ is 1.5" right of the thumb with no X hole. Box surface, 1500 + factory polish.

Outside 10 was a no-go. The lanes were dressed for the junior league and the ball checked up at about 20 feet and turned left.

From the inside track, this ball looked good but way too strong. For me, a lot of speed (19mph) and laying off with my hand (about 300rpm) I could use this ball laying it down around 20-25, crossing 15-20 at the arrows and out to 5 at 35 feet. From here it rolled very strong in the midlane compared to the Original X factor and XXX and kicked for home. It wasn't as sharp a move as I had thought given what I have heard so far, but the surface friction in this house cuts 2 degrees off the entry angle due to axis rotation lost in the front part of the lane.

From deep this ball wasn't quite the monster I had hoped. Again please take this in context, it is hard to get anything to recover from deep at this centre unless its a polished rock. Ball reaction is not good if you swing from deep. Don't read too much into this part of the review.

The ball responded well to major release changes (exaggerated spin or straight up the back) but the strong asymmetry in the core covered up minor release mistakes reasonably well. Carry was clearly affected by release mistakes, but this ball matched up very badly to the conditions today, as I suspected it would in this house.

Compared to the Original X-Factor (same drilling) that I also threw today, this ball got into a roll about 3 feet sooner and made its move far stronger. Its hard to quantify number of boards due to roll out.

Tomorrow I am playing a tournament on AMF HPL (overlayed onto wood). I will no doubt throw the Paradigm in practice, so if nothing else I will have 1 or 2 shots to mention.

Although there is not much 'meat' in this review I will keep you all posted on how the ball performs in the next few weeks. Early signs are positive.

Pics for those interested. I'm just getting to grips with the new camera. Resolution on these are terrible. Will get nicer ones soon but I'm a bit busy today.


Layout -

Nice Scene :-P



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Re: Paradigm, My Review and Pics
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2005, 05:33:47 PM »
Same story today, not enough juice for it.

Finished 2nd using Original X-Factor/Original Inferno combination.


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Re: Paradigm, My Review and Pics
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2005, 05:51:13 PM »
Not only is the resolution on the camera lousy... but the lighting blows too.
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Re: Paradigm, My Review and Pics
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2005, 10:27:04 AM »
What a constructive post that was. Crawl back under your rock. I don't claim to be a photographer, but I'l beat you if we play the same tournament ever.

Threw the ball today at a 3rd house. HPL again, this time a more heavily oiled THS, about 40 feet. This ball is pretty damn sick. Does everything everyone else has said. Highly recommended. Very strong in the midlane and does not quit on the backend. Keep this one for medium-heavy and dont get it out on wood.


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Re: Paradigm, My Review and Pics
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2005, 10:32:21 AM »
PS the resolution on my camera is 8 megapixel. Unfortunately I didn't want to wait for 15 meg of pictures to upload to WDTR. Nor did I think people would want to wait to download what are effectively boring pictures of bowling balls from there. Jeez..


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Re: Paradigm, My Review and Pics
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2005, 12:00:16 PM »
You guys are giving this dude way too hard a time, give him a break.

Saw this ball in action last week in league, and honestly, I was not impressed. It's a good ball, don't get me wrong, just not good enough to justify the price.



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Re: Paradigm, My Review and Pics
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2005, 07:10:46 AM »
Thanks Scottie,

I never threw the Eraser but from what I saw of it I would say the Eraser is a more even reacting ball. A Paradigm you would expect to be considerably stronger, especially in the back part of the lane. Also it would be far more angular.

The way this ball transitions from skid to hook shows there is a really strong core inside, it doesn't mess about.

Billy Ray

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Re: Paradigm, My Review and Pics
« Reply #7 on: October 19, 2005, 07:53:24 AM »
You guys are giving this dude way too hard a time, give him a break.

Saw this ball in action last week in league, and honestly, I was not impressed. It's a good ball, don't get me wrong, just not good enough to justify the price.


The Price basically is only about $20-25 more per ball wholesale.Depending on your pro shop status and distributors pricing
Billy Ray
"Let Us Help You Become More Competitive"
Billy Ray
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Inside Sparetime Lanes-East Greenbush
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Re: Paradigm, My Review and Pics
« Reply #8 on: October 22, 2005, 05:25:51 AM »
Is this ball more expensive than other top line balls in te US?

In the UK, it is exactly the same price as the X-Factor range.

At the pro shop here in Oklahoma the Paradigm is $70 more than any other storm masterline ball.


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Re: Paradigm, My Review and Pics
« Reply #9 on: October 22, 2005, 08:48:07 AM »
Is this ball also good for medium to medium dry condition ? Would like to try another storm after my Ace has died on me after 300 games... please advice.


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Re: Paradigm, My Review and Pics
« Reply #10 on: October 22, 2005, 01:16:40 PM »
Depending on the lane surface you are playing on, I believe this ball, drilled weak could give a good look on medium-dry lanes. However it would depend on too many factors about the nature of the pattern etc and depending upon how you throw it.

I would say there are better balls out there for medium and medium-dry, such as the Super Sport Pearl or the Screaming Banshee (if you wanted Storm).

From what I have seen from my Paradigm, this is pretty good for medium-wet when your looking to open the pattern up. I feel with a lower diff symmetrical core this cover could be made to work on medium-dry, but for me its a no. This just flat rolled out.

Hope this helps.

p.s. with regard to price I think the national distributor over here has absorbed the extra costs. I paid £179 the same as I did for the Vertigo.


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Re: Paradigm, My Review and Pics
« Reply #11 on: October 27, 2005, 07:04:43 AM »


We don't seem to be selling many of these and kind of wonder why.

everyone we know loves this ball and its not that more expensive then anything else with our special.

any ideas as to what's up?

bowlers dream
I talked to a local proshop guy about this ball and they have punched up 3 of them.  He said that non of them hooked at all.  These were all three drilled for well respected bowlers that don't need any help turning the ball.  I unfortunately didn't get to see them in action.
I'm wondering aloud if he didn't follow the directions for drilling this rock that come with the ball.  They are different than anything storm has released before.  I suspect that if you don't follow these directions your results would be less than stellar.  

Anyway, I'm waiting till I see it in person to pass judgement.  The vids on stormtips make it look like a monster for league shots and from all the reviews I'm seeing on here it should be very good ball.  I'm averaging 231 with the equipment I have now, hard to justify spending the money although after this weekends tourney I'm sure I'll be singing a different tune.  just my thoughts...

Billy Ray

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Re: Paradigm, My Review and Pics
« Reply #12 on: October 27, 2005, 07:51:43 AM »


We don't seem to be selling many of these and kind of wonder why.

everyone we know loves this ball and its not that more expensive then anything else with our special.

any ideas as to what's up?

bowlers dream
I talked to a local proshop guy about this ball and they have punched up 3 of them.  He said that non of them hooked at all.  These were all three drilled for well respected bowlers that don't need any help turning the ball.  I unfortunately didn't get to see them in action.
I'm wondering aloud if he didn't follow the directions for drilling this rock that come with the ball.  They are different than anything storm has released before.  I suspect that if you don't follow these directions your results would be less than stellar.  

Anyway, I'm waiting till I see it in person to pass judgement.  The vids on stormtips make it look like a monster for league shots and from all the reviews I'm seeing on here it should be very good ball.  I'm averaging 231 with the equipment I have now, hard to justify spending the money although after this weekends tourney I'm sure I'll be singing a different tune.  just my thoughts...

I find this hard to believe!
 One of two things would be my first guess. The Balls are not being thrown on enough head oil. The cover is really strong and needs some oil to get down the lane.(at least for me)
 Two he put the RAD+ in the track which in alot of strong Mass bias balls will retard the hook potential of the ball.
Billy Ray
"Let Us Help You Become More Competitive"
Billy Ray
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Inside Sparetime Lanes-East Greenbush
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Re: Paradigm, My Review and Pics
« Reply #13 on: November 02, 2005, 08:10:07 AM »
Mine is drilled 5x3 and was exactly that, a little uncontrolable at times,
my 3rd time out I polished it with diamond gloss and wow this thing is really good now!
Its just a game? Yeah Right! 2nd place is the 1st loser
Its just a game? Yeah Right! 2nd place is the 1st loser


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Re: Paradigm, My Review and Pics
« Reply #14 on: November 05, 2005, 09:07:11 AM »
Billy Ray,

I had emailed you about this ball and ended up getting one.  drilled 4x4 B.  I agree with you.  The guy I talked to must not have known what he was doing with this ball.  it's a beast.  I saw one more in my house last night and that guy didn't have any problems getting it to move either...  I'll post a full review after getting it out on a few other conditions.