
Equipment Boards => Storm => Topic started by: JMORRIS on March 24, 2008, 02:04:52 AM

Title: Paradigm - Still an awesome ball!
Post by: JMORRIS on March 24, 2008, 02:04:52 AM
I just returned to bowling after about a 5+ year hiatus.  I've found great success using Storm's current product line and I'm always willing to punch up another ball out of Utah.

I was thinking of getting the new Gravity Shift, but my teammate recently drilled one and it looks way too strong off the spot for me (works great for him).

As luck would have it, my driller got a shipment of original Paradigm's.

He punched it up for me Friday night, with a layout of Pin 45x5.25x30, this put the pin above my fingers.

This ball is super smooth!  It rolls like no other pearl I have thrown.  Reads the mids and rolls right into the pocket.

This ball is so smooth down lane.  It moves hard off the dry, but never over-reacts!  Exactly what I wanted to fit between my Rapid Fire and T-Road Pearl.

Shot 269 first game, 207 second game (ball was burning up and hitting flat), put it in the bag and used my T-Road Pearl for 221/697 clean.

Saturday night league, I used the Paradigm for 238-268-243=749.  I had the last 9 game 2 and front 8 game 3.  A pocket 7-10 ended a streak of 17 in-a-row and my quest for back to back weeks with 300-800 on this league.

Anyway, just wanted to share my experience with a new, oldie but goodie!

Title: Re: Paradigm - Still an awesome ball!
Post by: bowler0821 on March 24, 2008, 11:41:40 AM
I agree with you on this topic. THe paradigm is one of my favorite balls I am on my second one, my frist one cracked. You said your driller got a ship ment of paradigms. Does he have any more in #15 new?
Mike Marchak

Forward Together Forward never forget 2/14/08

In this game i could not of heard it any better then what my coach says. "LESS IS MORE".
Title: Re: Paradigm - Still an awesome ball!
Post by: JMORRIS on March 24, 2008, 11:50:03 AM
His last one is on Ebay right now...

FYI...He is bowling in the US Open this week, so I'm not sure if he is monitoring his emails.

Title: Re: Paradigm - Still an awesome ball!
Post by: bowler0821 on March 24, 2008, 02:03:50 PM
I saw that one thanks and if u talk to him tell him I say good luck.
Mike Marchak

Forward Together Forward never forget 2/14/08

In this game i could not of heard it any better then what my coach says. "LESS IS MORE".
Title: Re: Paradigm - Still an awesome ball!
Post by: JMORRIS on March 24, 2008, 02:08:19 PM
Will do.

If it turns out he has more of these, I'll let you know.

Title: Re: Paradigm - Still an awesome ball!
Post by: bowler0821 on March 24, 2008, 03:01:31 PM
Sounds good to me I also have my eye on a gravity shift. Looks really good and reminds me a bit of the paridigm but differnt look.
Mike Marchak

Forward Together Forward never forget 2/14/08

In this game i could not of heard it any better then what my coach says. "LESS IS MORE".
Title: Re: Paradigm - Still an awesome ball!
Post by: Jmiller88 on March 24, 2008, 06:35:30 PM
i agree with you guys. i love my paradigm. im surprised it hasnt cracked yet, seeing i did get it before they were released. so mike... you want a gravity huh. im getting mine this week. i will let you know how it works down here.
Title: Re: Paradigm - Still an awesome ball!
Post by: JessN16 on March 29, 2008, 04:16:02 PM
Three best balls Storm ever produced, IMO: Thunder series, X-Factor series, Paradigm series.

I have two Paradigms and continue to be amazed by their hitting power and their versatility. I've got 30+ balls in the house right now but if I took just one bag with my two Paradigms in it, I could bowl on anything from very dry to very wet.

Title: Re: Paradigm - Still an awesome ball!
Post by: River700 on March 29, 2008, 04:20:00 PM
I have to agree with Jess, I have an erazer blaze from the thunder line and a paradigm passion and love both of them, their so smooth and strong for me. Infact I am trying to lay ahold of one more passion before there gone for good.
If your going to bowl...bowl for fun or go home