Not a bad arsenal at all. I agree with billdozer in the fact that you don't have the benchmark ball in there. I'd throw in a IQ Tour Solid, Hy-Road Max or even look at 900 Global. Options such as the Aspect, HB Intensity, or Ordinance C4 could really fit the bill here.
On the HB Intensity, you get a proven asymmetrical core, strong solid cover, but have a smooth downlane reaction that can provide a lot of versatility.
The Aspect I think has more continuation than the Storm Axiom since the Axiom tends to read very early. The Axiom still has a strong cover and a strong symmetrical core, so polish and/or a slightly weaker layout can really make it be a great ball to use across multiple conditions. The Aspect will have identical core numbers to the Idol Solid in 16#.
The Ordinance C4 has a hybrid cover and also has similar core numbers to the IQ Tour. The Tour will have a slightly lower diff. You still get a nice smooth reaction front to back, but it actually tends to roll earlier and has more of an arc motion than the Tour. The Tour actually tends to have a little more continuation and sharper backend motion.
You really can't go wrong with any of these options.