Equipment Boards => Storm => Topic started by: bowler0821 on May 31, 2006, 04:21:59 PM
I would like someone to tell me the differences from these balls I need a heavy oil ball. I own a paradigm and I love it to death best ball i have ever bought. But I threw someones scorchin today and man was it good. Can someone help me. INfo on me in my profile. Thanks
A Bowlers Life-
To bowl is to live. To live is to bowl.
as much as I like storm, I think Scorchin would be the better way to go. You've thrown it, you like it, so get one =) Only gripe about that ball is that I hear it dies out quickly.
Bowling Since March 2006
Storm Agent
Doom Raw Hammer
House Ball (spares)
Average: 130-160
See my bowling scores online here:
Turkey Adobo (Me and my friends' bowling site)
The Passion is a sweet ball. I have seen it rock everything in person.
Current Arsenal:
Parker Bohn III
I love both balls but deffitally more hitting power in the passion and the scorchin dies very quickly like my ultimate did and many others
The Passion has hitting power all around. I've seen it used in several different conditions and it always hits hard. I wouldn't use it in a dry condition though but as they say that's not what it is meant for.
Current Arsenal:
Parker Bohn III
The first time I threw my Passion the opposition thought I was throwing an illegal ball. Own both the Scorchin and the Passion and the Passion is the first ball out of my bag when the lane conditions are right. The Passion is just a super ball on HEAVY oil….
I've been debating between a Passion and an Epic Battle, I'm still not sure which one to get. I saw the Scorchin in person and I wasn't very impressed, but it was probably the bowler, not the ball.
I've had two Infernos, the Absolute and Ultimate and both have died on me. I clean the balls after every set. Soak them after every 50 games or so. I've had over 15 balls and none have lost their hook as noticeably as these two. My proshop guy and many of his customers have said that their Ultimates died as well. I dont know, but I just dont like the Activator coverstocks longetivity. I love the reaction initially but after that, its gone.
For that reason, I'd recommend teh Passion. I've seen it in action numerous times and it is a strong ball.
If it weren't for electricity we'd all be watching television by candlelight.
My Scorchin Inferno had died on me too and that was with ball maintenance, its bascially no longer a heavy oil ball but it still works on a med oil pattern
However, I didn't but it for that purpose so yes I'm rather pi$$ed. I just got the EPIC from Roto-Grip to replace my SI and so far its one heck of a ball.
But for me I probably wouldn't use the EPIC for a heavy oil pattern as I would get the thats a heavy oil ball. Good luck with what ever you decide on.