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Author Topic: Patreon Page  (Read 9484 times)

Luke Rosdahl

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Patreon Page
« on: February 19, 2018, 09:19:41 AM »
First, this isn't advertising or propaganda designed to squeeze money out of anyone, just letting those who are interested know it exists now.  Have had several people ask me if I would create a Patreon, which is basically a place where creators can post their work for a monthly subscription.  Nothing is changing on YouTube, not going to start restricting stuff, the Patreon thing is just extra if you'd like to contribute for some extra perks.  Here's my "pitch" or what the whole thing involves:

What I've set up first is the Master Line Tier, and it's a basic "membership," but hopefully one that is worth it.  First, you'll have access to the feed here, while I'll post some occasional generic public updates, most of it will go into the feed that only you as a patron can see.  Behind the scenes info/pictures, occasional blog posts with updates or tips or information or specific topics, etc.  Next, whenever new balls come out, it takes several days to get videos done.  The filming, writing, editing, rendering, and posting all takes a long time.  Before I get to serious work on the videos however, I'll put together a short teaser trailer with several shots from me, several shots from Angel, and some initial thoughts that will be released only to you so you will be able to get an early look at the new stuff a couple days before the reviews and opinion videos go up.  Next, there's a live chat function where I can choose to go live, and you'll be sent a notification (make sure to turn them on!) when I do so you can get on and chat with me and others live.  As I spend a lot of time out on the road and in hotels for my day job, I should be in the chat quite a bit!  Finally, once a month I'll have a live Q&A with a guest, just like we did for the Beer Frame Live, except it will be restricted to patrons only, so the crowd should be smaller and we should be able to have more of a discussion than a strict Q&A, not to mention get to the questions faster.  Hopefully that all sounds good and we can have some fun here, thank you!!!

Once I get set up, I'll include live streams from leagues, tournaments, and while I'm filming videos so you'll get an even earlier and unedited look at the equipment.  That's going to require a laptop and new camera though so it will likely be later this year before I get the funds for that.  The idea is also eventually to try and get interviews with higher profile people and professionals in the industry, hopefully travel to some professional tournaments, Bowl Expo, stuff like that, so that's the idea of where this is all heading, if the interest and support is there of course.  If this all sounds uninteresting and/or ridiculous and you're fine with what I already do, don't sign up lol, not gonna hurt my feelings, this is just extra if you're interested. 

However, not to sell myself short, I'm pretty passionate about what I do, I will always try to go above and beyond, and while I'm not where I want to be yet, hopefully it won't be long before I can have some legitimately top shelf content featuring top shelf guests and better production values and some really interesting stuff.  Just a lot of time and money to get there, and I'm grateful for those so far who've shown their support for what I already do and where we're hopefully going.  Here's the link to the page, thanks:
« Last Edit: February 20, 2018, 08:43:10 PM by Luke Rosdahl »
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Re: Patreon Page
« Reply #16 on: February 20, 2018, 09:10:24 AM »
Seriously though, I had a thought.  Like I said, I want to create a really positive and good community, somewhere you can go to get away from the nonsense and get good quality information and communication, and the monthly "membership fee," helps deter toxic people, but $5 a month does sound kind of stiff . . would say $2 a month still provide the same effect, but be more agreeable?  And then once I get all the streaming equipment and get set up, then that can be the $5 a month level?

I think $2 a month would produce a higher turnout and filter out those that are like people passing by on a FB thread trolling because they don't want to pay anything at all. $2/$5 tiers would be a good starting point in my opinion. Maybe in the future you add a $10 that includes a monthly entry into a mid tier ball raffle (HP2/Thunder Line)
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Re: Patreon Page
« Reply #17 on: February 20, 2018, 09:16:31 AM »
So a 4 paragraph post and a link to sell something isn't advertising? 

Luke Rosdahl

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Re: Patreon Page
« Reply #18 on: February 20, 2018, 10:48:36 AM »
Absolutely not.   ::) ::)  I'm not entirely sure how you notify without advertising though . . I guess I think of advertising as something designed to try and influence you or persuade you to buy something.  I'm just notifying everyone it exists.  If you're interested, cool, if you're not, don't buy it, and if anyone has a problem with it, I'll gladly remove the post.  I know that wasn't exactly what you were getting at, but you know how I like to drone on . .

So a 4 paragraph post and a link to sell something isn't advertising?
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Re: Patreon Page
« Reply #19 on: February 20, 2018, 03:14:15 PM »
Absolutely not.   ::) ::)  I'm not entirely sure how you notify without advertising though . . I guess I think of advertising as something designed to try and influence you or persuade you to buy something.  I'm just notifying everyone it exists.  If you're interested, cool, if you're not, don't buy it, and if anyone has a problem with it, I'll gladly remove the post.  I know that wasn't exactly what you were getting at, but you know how I like to drone on . .

So a 4 paragraph post and a link to sell something isn't advertising?
You have to admit that what Luke posted is a hell of a lot less advertising than the reviews the average staffer post.


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Re: Patreon Page
« Reply #20 on: February 20, 2018, 04:05:19 PM »
What I will admit is he wrote an advertisement for his page and in the first line he claims it's not an advertisement.  Just call it what it is. 

Here ya go, courtesy of Merriam-Webster- something (such as a short film or a written notice) that is shown or presented to the public to help sell a product or to make an announcement


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Re: Patreon Page
« Reply #21 on: February 20, 2018, 04:32:38 PM »
Says "One of the Suckers "


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Re: Patreon Page
« Reply #22 on: February 20, 2018, 04:40:31 PM »
What I will admit is he wrote an advertisement for his page and in the first line he claims it's not an advertisement.  Just call it what it is. 

Here ya go, courtesy of Merriam-Webster- something (such as a short film or a written notice) that is shown or presented to the public to help sell a product or to make an announcement

It is sort of an advertisement but who cares? I want announcements from those trying to promote bowling on this site. If I check them out and decide to purchase or not it's all good. If it's not good then we can mock.... 8)

You know there are those like CTD products, I don't have a problem with the advertisements I have a problem with the overpriced shit products. And will mock them every chance I get.... Luke I believe gives a great product for free on his YouTube channel and if he does more I won't have a problem subscribing. If it sucks I will mock him too! If it's good I will give him his props. All good.

Honestly most in bowling do a horrible job of making their products, tournaments, services known to the public. I bowl in one house where it turns out there was a tournament this past Sat. I didn't know about it as there were no flyers given out to league bowlers and they only ended up with 20 entries. Bowler at my PSO's shop told us about it yesterday. My thought is they could have easily had more bowlers if just a little effort was done to advertise. So I like sites like this where I can find out anything about bowling, bowling products, bowling services, bowling sites on the internet....


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Re: Patreon Page
« Reply #23 on: February 20, 2018, 05:01:36 PM »
Some unnecessary backlash on here towards someone that provides more utility to this site than most. If you've ever bought Jordan's, YouTube fitness persons product, etc you've supported someone's craft - same concept.
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Re: Patreon Page
« Reply #24 on: February 20, 2018, 06:37:58 PM »
Imagine that, "bowlers" who don't actually bowl bitching about someone who does bowl trying to do something positive for bowling.

Oh yea, that's a first...  :o
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Luke Rosdahl

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Re: Patreon Page
« Reply #25 on: February 20, 2018, 08:39:56 PM »
Nah, no biggie.  It's kind of the first number you see when you hit the page, so lol no harm no foul.  I HAVE also decided against a higher tier when I get the livestreaming set up, once the equipment is paid for, it's just the extra time to do it, so it's just going to remain a flat 5 a month, and I'll do my best to make it worth it. 

It's not $9, it's $5, what you saw was the total pledges up to the point you visited the page, the subscription link is on the right side of the page with the info. 

I've never heard of Patreon, but took a peak at your link and the web app looks like it's made just for you.

I've been in the web business for 15 years now as a programmer and online business analyst and I'll be surprised if you can sell 100 subscriptions on an annual basis (1 year subscriptions) at $9 USD each. This is based on a quick analysis of read counts for your post and You Tube views divided by viewer repeats and bots. It would have to subsidized by targeted advertising.

But it's certainly worth a try for you.

Luke, I apologize for typing or stating incorrect information about the price. I was compiling software when I looked at it and the 9 stuck in my head.  Please accept my apology, I did not intend to make the price a subject.

My wrong number made me think the price point was too high compared to say Washington Post, New York Times and their pay wall pricing of $2,  but I didn’t want to flat out say it in plain English. But somebody else made a point of it first.

I think it’s worth a look at for me and worth a try for you. You will the first staffer to take it to this level. It’s a lot work to do, but passion and heart will be your driving force.
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Luke Rosdahl

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Re: Patreon Page
« Reply #26 on: February 20, 2018, 08:41:58 PM »
You're not wrong.  Everyone else, I get what he's saying, and I try to be the transparent up front guy, so I definitely don't want to be misleading.  It's definitely advertising, maybe not heartless cloying advertising, but truthfully advertising, and to state that it's not, and then throw a pitch out there is . . disingenuous at best.  Changed. 

What I will admit is he wrote an advertisement for his page and in the first line he claims it's not an advertisement.  Just call it what it is. 

Here ya go, courtesy of Merriam-Webster- something (such as a short film or a written notice) that is shown or presented to the public to help sell a product or to make an announcement
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Re: Patreon Page
« Reply #27 on: February 21, 2018, 07:45:58 AM »
That's all stuff they don't teach in high school, so there's a definite need for it.  My daughter just turned 22, when she graduated she thought she knew it all and moved out, and a couple months ago she finally admitted she didn't and moved back in to repair the damage.  She's actually mad she didn't get taught the stuff in high school, now her mom and I tried pounding it into her constantly, but she still thought she knew better, so . .

That’s called a press release, or a heads up. You can call it marketing research as well so you can get constructive feedback and then alter your business plan to better suit the needs of you and the consumer.

The more I think about your endeavor, the more it reminds of the post I wrote last week about the last of a dying breed, in which written content will be on a pay wall and will no longer be free. The internet was invented to be free so advertising was used to supplement the cost of development, production and servers. All those annoying ads we see pays for the content or simply pays the bills and makes the payroll. But advertising dollars have shifted to social media in which there is. I professionally written content, and just icon buttons that represent yes or no attached to a picture and a phrase. I

I have plans to create a pay wall website in the future. Call it something like Urban Pioneer, a spin on Rural Pioneer but for those that live in the city or suburbs of America. It will teach the younger kids the truth about how the world really works, how to budget and save money and then how to invest it. The history of currency and precious metals going back a 1000 years. Not to buy things made of plastic. Why new cars and which cars depreciate the fastest and how to score a deal on them for half price. The history of banking, interest and financial charges, and not to pay them Stuff like that. I think for $60 a year, I can help a kid save thousands and live in financial comfort and not stress about money.

Work out the details Luke and get it going first. I endorse the endeavor.
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Re: Patreon Page
« Reply #28 on: February 21, 2018, 07:54:40 AM »
itsallaboutme is looking for this response:  You win


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Re: Patreon Page
« Reply #29 on: February 21, 2018, 08:00:16 AM »
I usually do


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Re: Patreon Page
« Reply #30 on: February 21, 2018, 08:12:00 AM »
I usually do

You usually do what? Make it all about you? Oh that makes sense now....  :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o