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Author Topic: PBA Experinces - and the Paradigm  (Read 4734 times)


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PBA Experinces - and the Paradigm
« on: June 04, 2007, 03:57:06 PM »
Wow, thats all I have to say about that.

First of all, my girlfriend was with me tonight, so I was kind of hurrying my game up, and not focusing shot by shot. That was the first problem.

Second, me hurrying, made me miss right everytime, and on the Chameleon, I was just balls deep on the shot.

Third, I found out that my Paradigm is the most angular ball I have ever thrown. I was throwing straight up second, and the ball skidded about 40, but it had the biggest reaction I have ever seen. I left so many splits, 2-8-10's, 4 - 9, etc.. I finally had to change up to my SA to get a more smooth reaction.

What I learned tonight:

Drilling up another Special Agent. - Pin under bridge, cg kicked out.
To slow my game down, and focus shot to shot.
Not ever to bowl a 389 series in my life. Had to be the worst feeling I have ever had.
And don't let the girlfriend distract me while bowling, I had some time after bowling with her.. lol

Positive things tonight:

Picked up my first 4-9 split. I was very surprised, and Ronnie Russell bowls at the same house, and he even said great pick-up.

Balls for sale, check them out! Great prices as well!
- Kenny "The Kid" Skidmore
The Bowler's Shop, Anderson IN
      "Now that's MONEYYY!"



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Re: PBA Experinces - and the Paradigm
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2007, 12:14:58 AM »
maybe next week you can leave your girlfriend at the

Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: PBA Experinces - and the Paradigm
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2007, 07:31:46 AM »
Hehe, sometimes you know you are screwed and you just have to have fun.  What other balls did you bring for the Chameleon?

Thunderstruck $olid


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Re: PBA Experinces - and the Paradigm
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2007, 10:13:49 AM »
I actually had my first week for PBA Experience myself, on the Chameleon also. I found a line pretty early after watching this video and reading the brochure on this link:

I was playing straight up 5/6 with my Passion, but that line dried up by the middle of the second game because we were all hovering around that area of the lane. So I tried switching to my Pyro, but the ball couldn't reach the pocket in time so I took the Passion and went straight up 8/9/10 and the ball worked fine again. The craziest part about this PBA stuff is that the reactions aren't dependent on the whole lane...especially on chameleon. Each part of the lane has their own identity basically. It's so fun. And spares are huge. I ended up bowling a 153-159-226. I was doing pretty well the second game, but then my line died out and I left 3 splits in a row. Next week I think I'm going to just go for the straight up 8-10 area of the lane. I bet if that line dries up my Pyro could help me out.
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Re: PBA Experinces - and the Paradigm
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2007, 12:55:52 PM »
I actually had my first week for PBA Experience myself, on the Chameleon also. I found a line pretty early after watching this video and reading the brochure on this link:

I was playing straight up 5/6 with my Passion, but that line dried up by the middle of the second game because we were all hovering around that area of the lane. So I tried switching to my Pyro, but the ball couldn't reach the pocket in time so I took the Passion and went straight up 8/9/10 and the ball worked fine again. The craziest part about this PBA stuff is that the reactions aren't dependent on the whole lane...especially on chameleon. Each part of the lane has their own identity basically. It's so fun. And spares are huge. I ended up bowling a 153-159-226. I was doing pretty well the second game, but then my line died out and I left 3 splits in a row. Next week I think I'm going to just go for the straight up 8-10 area of the lane. I bet if that line dries up my Pyro could help me out.

Yes, that is the truth. I think my whole problem was, was that I was trying to swing the ball. With my revs, I thought I could pass through the toughest parts of the lane, and have the ball finish strong, in the end, I miss right, and I am balls deep on the shot.
Balls for sale, check them out! Great prices as well!
- Kenny "The Kid" Skidmore
The Bowler's Shop, Anderson IN
      "Now that's MONEYYY!"

Dan Belcher

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Re: PBA Experinces - and the Paradigm
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2007, 12:58:40 PM »
Yes, that is the truth. I think my whole problem was, was that I was trying to swing the ball. With my revs, I thought I could pass through the toughest parts of the lane, and have the ball finish strong, in the end, I miss right, and I am balls deep on the shot.

I haven't gotten onto the Chameleon yet (we start bowling on that pattern this week), but in my experiences on other PBA patterns so far, nothing will bite you faster than trying to swing the ball.  That's not to say you can't let it out a little, but you really leave yourself flirting with disaster by trying to open up the lanes, move left, and power the ball back to the pocket.  The straighter up the boards I played, the more consistent my reaction was, the better my pin carry was, and the more comfortable I felt after a few frames.


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Re: PBA Experinces - and the Paradigm
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2007, 01:01:08 PM »
Hehe, sometimes you know you are screwed and you just have to have fun.  What other balls did you bring for the Chameleon?

Thunderstruck $olid

Special Agent
El-Nino Returns

She wouldn't let me use the el-nino, lol, she said "the are only supposed to be 3 holes in a bowling ball, I am not letting you use this one."
Balls for sale, check them out! Great prices as well!
- Kenny "The Kid" Skidmore
The Bowler's Shop, Anderson IN
      "Now that's MONEYYY!"


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Re: PBA Experinces - and the Paradigm
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2007, 02:38:58 PM »
I had the EXACT same problem last week using my shift, My girlfriend was there also but my series wasnt quite so bad i ended up shooting like 583 for the night witch on the pba patters ehhh ill take it
The  ONLY thing that actually destroys the pins is a STORM!!

Dan Belcher

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Re: PBA Experinces - and the Paradigm
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2007, 08:05:40 AM »
For what it's worth, I got to bowl on the Chameleon pattern last night in practice, but it was on some lanes that had quite a bit of use from open bowlers.  The oil had carried down a fair bit from people throwing house balls, etc.  However, I had an absolutely fantastic look at the pocket using my Special Agent, rolling it straight up 6-7.

If I got the ball right, it wouldn't hook back quite enough (left the 2-8 or worse if I got the ball right by two boards) but at least I wasn't leaving washouts.  If I got the ball left a board, I hit a little extra length on the oil and the ball would skid just long enough to hit high flush pocket and trip the 4 pin.  If I came out of the ball funky like I did a time or two and got it like 3 boards left, it'd hit fresh backend and hook perfectly into the Brooklyn pocket.  Gotta love those nights.  Too bad it wasn't in league when it mattered!!

After a 170 game just warming up and getting my footwork straightened out (very tacky approaches last night!!), I shot a 205 with opens on a chopped 5-9 and a 6-7 split.  And the next game, I went front 8, softened it up just a little too much and left a 6-7-10 I missed and then fast 8 on the fill ball in the 10th for a 261.  I left ONE 10 pin out of those three games.  That was the ONLY single pin spare I left because my carry was just so ridiculously good.

Dan Belcher

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Re: PBA Experinces - and the Paradigm
« Reply #9 on: June 06, 2007, 12:23:31 PM »
Right.  Two factors that let me get away with throwing the Special Agent:

1) Quite a bit of carrydown on the back end and the head oil hadn't been killed yet.  Whomever was on the lanes before me mostly was throwing house balls and stuff I believe.  I had lanes full of kids on either side of me (they were all doing the "ooh" and "aah" thing whenever I threw strikes--that was fun )
2) I don't get that many revs on a ball.  Maybe 250rpm or so.  I've gotta have something strong on pretty much any oil pattern to help me out, or the ball just isn't going to get much angle on the pocket.  I threw the Spit Fire on the same shot shortly thereafter on the pair of lanes next to where I was before, and it barely got into a roll.  I had to point it from the gutter and let it float into the pocket.

However, on the fresh oil we actually face in the league itself, I've heard from a couple of people in my league who have entered PBA tournaments before (i.e. Bob Hale) that the shots actually play pretty close to what they saw in the tournaments.  Of course, the shot also breaks down quite a bit on the Sunday TV show with the TV lights and so forth.  That's been discussed a few times as a challenge for the pros to adapt to the conditions playing different than during the week.

Edited on 6/6/2007 12:21 PM


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Re: PBA Experinces - and the Paradigm
« Reply #10 on: June 06, 2007, 04:48:58 PM »
To tell you the truth, many of the adults that have been in some regionals and etc., say that this is nothing like the regular Chameleon. They say it is a whole lot different shot, and wayy tougher than the actual pattern. Ronnie Russell, who just became an exempt player, had a hard time finding a line a few weeks ago. All this being said, no one really did too great for the first week, but the handicap will help.
Balls for sale, check them out! Great prices as well!
- Kenny "The Kid" Skidmore
The Bowler's Shop, Anderson IN
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Re: PBA Experinces - and the Paradigm
« Reply #11 on: June 06, 2007, 08:24:28 PM »
I bowled on the Chameleon twice: once in my PBA league, once in a regional qualifier tourney. In the regional tournament I was having some serious issues hitting the pocket at all. But I was 1) really anxious and nervous so I didn't get nearly enough on the ball as I normally do and 2) I was playing the wrong part of the lane. I have so little revs, straight up is better for first experiences I was trying to swing it and that was not smart. But after doing my HW I found a very consistent way into the pocket. I'm like that other guy, I need stronger equipment to help me get to the pocket...which is probably why I'm going to get myself something from the Agent family soon.

And speaking of oil patterns, this is bit off the topic, but in my regular handicapped league on Tuesday nights we have some really goofy shots laid down. Last night we had inCREDIBLY dry back ends. I mean my Pyro went 50 feet and then hooked the whole world. I used the Passion to have it smooth my reaction out, and it worked pretty well. By the second game though, the carry down was horrendous. It actually came to a point where my Passion would hook more in the midlane than the backend. With a shot like that, would it be wiser to move inside? And would it be wiser to go with the Passion or Pyro on something like that? Both balls could get to the pocket, but weak 7s and 10s everywhere.
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Re: PBA Experinces - and the Paradigm
« Reply #12 on: June 06, 2007, 09:53:10 PM »
Sounds like you were bowling at my house last night jester!  Last night in my mixed league the backend was crazy but by the last game I couldn't carry the ten pen for anything.  I finally started kicking it out playing the same line with a touch less speed and a little more lift.


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Re: PBA Experinces - and the Paradigm
« Reply #13 on: June 06, 2007, 11:00:03 PM »
Yeah, my goal for next week is to play in my "comfortable" position. Hitting 18 - going to about 10 - and coming back for the pocket. I hope it works out, because I was tired of missing right and leaving the 1-2 every time.
Balls for sale, check them out! Great prices as well!
- Kenny "The Kid" Skidmore
The Bowler's Shop, Anderson IN
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Re: PBA Experinces - and the Paradigm
« Reply #14 on: June 08, 2007, 06:32:57 AM »
Yeah, leaving some crappy leaves is the pits. I think the key to Chameleon is squaring up to the lane. My partner last week did the 18-10 with his Black Widow and he hit the pocket often adn carry was great. The ball wasn't losing any energy anywhere.
"This is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules."