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Author Topic: PBA Experinces - and the Paradigm  (Read 4735 times)


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PBA Experinces - and the Paradigm
« on: June 04, 2007, 03:57:06 PM »
Wow, thats all I have to say about that.

First of all, my girlfriend was with me tonight, so I was kind of hurrying my game up, and not focusing shot by shot. That was the first problem.

Second, me hurrying, made me miss right everytime, and on the Chameleon, I was just balls deep on the shot.

Third, I found out that my Paradigm is the most angular ball I have ever thrown. I was throwing straight up second, and the ball skidded about 40, but it had the biggest reaction I have ever seen. I left so many splits, 2-8-10's, 4 - 9, etc.. I finally had to change up to my SA to get a more smooth reaction.

What I learned tonight:

Drilling up another Special Agent. - Pin under bridge, cg kicked out.
To slow my game down, and focus shot to shot.
Not ever to bowl a 389 series in my life. Had to be the worst feeling I have ever had.
And don't let the girlfriend distract me while bowling, I had some time after bowling with her.. lol

Positive things tonight:

Picked up my first 4-9 split. I was very surprised, and Ronnie Russell bowls at the same house, and he even said great pick-up.

Balls for sale, check them out! Great prices as well!
- Kenny "The Kid" Skidmore
The Bowler's Shop, Anderson IN
      "Now that's MONEYYY!"


Dan Belcher

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Re: PBA Experinces - and the Paradigm
« Reply #16 on: June 08, 2007, 07:52:01 AM »
Ouch.  I had to bowl last night on Chameleon in the league for the first time with a just-drilled ball.  After my Special Agent cracked badly, I had to get it replaced, and didn't have time to practice much with it.  It took me the entire game to get used to the brand new inserts and to get my thumb tape just right.  I shot a whopping 142 the first game because I missed my mark to the right about 5 boards every single frame that game almost, and the few times I did hit my mark, I had nothing on the ball and left a corner pin.

After that,  I threw the ball better, but I had trouble lining up on my strike ball--I had no good look at the pocket for 6 or 7 frames at a time both the second and third games.  I kept trying to throw straight up 9-10 and eventually 11, but the ball just was not hooking up after a few balls.  The oil was carrying down so quickly there that after a few pitches, it would just stop hooking.  (Everybody on my side of the house was complaining about slick lanes, everyone on the other side of the house felt the shot was kind of dry!)  It was ugly.  If I missed right by just a board, I would basically whiff head pin.  (I left a 2-4-5-10 one time.  That hurt.)  I still pulled 186-194 out of those games.

However, the fourth game, I tugged a ball two boards left the whole way--I laid it down left and kept it left--and that ball rolled up HARD and missed the head pin to the left.  I decided to take advantage of this new-found dry spot and moved my feet left a ton and started slightly swinging from 15 at the arrows out to 12 and threw 6 in a row before I got fast on it and left a weak 10.  Shot a 224 that game.

Also, my buddy discovered the Paradigm was not a good ball for the Chameleon pattern either--he ended up getting his best look at the pocket throwing his Special Agent 15 to 12 like I was doing.


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Re: PBA Experinces - and the Paradigm
« Reply #17 on: June 08, 2007, 12:03:24 PM »
I bowled on the chameleon again last night with my shift again and the ball worked beautiful ended up shooting 701 witch is better than the 583 i bowled on this pattern last time(and yes my girlfriend didnt come this time) and tonight were bowling on the viper any suggestions???
The  ONLY thing that actually destroys the pins is a STORM!!

Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: PBA Experinces - and the Paradigm
« Reply #18 on: June 08, 2007, 12:18:15 PM »
Yeah I kind of want a Shift for the PBA Experience.  I've been hoping to pick one up used with a T-Road but alas no one is ever selling them.

Thunderstruck $olid


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Re: PBA Experinces - and the Paradigm
« Reply #19 on: June 08, 2007, 12:30:41 PM »
here is what i did with success on the chameleon, my first 2 games i played more down and in with my total inferno box finish, then in doing that i created a nice little wall to swing my paradigm off first week i tried swinging my paradigm and didnt do so hot, but second week was much better, sometimes you have to think about bowling with the sense that if your shot isnt there manipulate the oil so you can atleast finish strong...thats my opinion...


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Re: PBA Experinces - and the Paradigm
« Reply #20 on: June 08, 2007, 04:56:19 PM »
here is what i did with success on the chameleon, my first 2 games i played more down and in with my total inferno box finish, then in doing that i created a nice little wall to swing my paradigm off first week i tried swinging my paradigm and didnt do so hot, but second week was much better, sometimes you have to think about bowling with the sense that if your shot isnt there manipulate the oil so you can atleast finish strong...thats my opinion...

Yeah, I believe I am still going to take the Paradigm along, but not use it until I really have to. I had a shot with the Special Agent, but my girlfriend was being a little dumb, and was like hey, I haven't inspected that ball, it has four holes, nope, you can't use it. lol.. I guess sometimes girls just have to win at everything.
Balls for sale, check them out! Great prices as well!
- Kenny "The Kid" Skidmore
The Bowler's Shop, Anderson IN
      "Now that's MONEYYY!"


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Re: PBA Experinces - and the Paradigm
« Reply #21 on: June 08, 2007, 10:25:39 PM »
I bowled on the chameleon again last night with my shift again and the ball worked beautiful ended up shooting 701 witch is better than the 583 i bowled on this pattern last time(and yes my girlfriend didnt come this time) and tonight were bowling on the viper any suggestions???
The  ONLY thing that actually destroys the pins is a STORM!!

Nice shooting on that 701!
I think the Viper is real goofy because it has a lot of movement up front sort of. I'd say that starting off not too far left would be best since it's a shorter pattern, I bet after the carry down hits you can move inside and then just keep getting deeper and deeper as the night wears along.
"This is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules."


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Re: PBA Experinces - and the Paradigm
« Reply #22 on: June 09, 2007, 08:20:47 AM »
Hey guys I know this forum was about the chameleon but i was talking about the viper earlier and i figured i would update you on how i did...... I should have stayed home i did horrible the balls i brought with me were the domination shift and t-road i threw one shot with the t road in practice and bagged the other 2 haha and this was the one time i didnt bring a hot rod or a tropical storm and it was a big mistake because i was playing 4th arrow with the t-road from shot 1 throwing with a lot of speed it was a though shot with a horrendous ball choice on my part and the reason i brought those balls is because i expected it to be similar to the cheetah as in oil volume but i could have been more off
The  ONLY thing that actually destroys the pins is a STORM!!


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Re: PBA Experinces - and the Paradigm
« Reply #23 on: June 09, 2007, 09:52:33 PM »
Was the viper drier? Where were you playing on the Chameleon as opposed to the Viper?
"This is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules."


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Re: PBA Experinces - and the Paradigm
« Reply #24 on: June 09, 2007, 10:05:12 PM »
The only way i can describe the viper is the thoughest shot youve ever bowled on with sand as the backend
The  ONLY thing that actually destroys the pins is a STORM!!


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Re: PBA Experinces - and the Paradigm
« Reply #25 on: June 09, 2007, 10:05:30 PM »
Just an update, this was a 3 game series, not 4 games. Just to clarify there.
Balls for sale, check them out! Great prices as well!
- Kenny "The Kid" Skidmore
The Bowler's Shop, Anderson IN
      "Now that's MONEYYY!"


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Re: PBA Experinces - and the Paradigm
« Reply #26 on: June 11, 2007, 12:29:18 AM »
Tomorrow night I have round 2 with the Chameleon. I can't wait to bowl on it and see how it goes. My goal is to shoot a high 500, maybe even break 600.
"This is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules."


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Re: PBA Experinces - and the Paradigm
« Reply #27 on: June 11, 2007, 12:32:44 AM »
Tomorrow night I have round 2 with the Chameleon. I can't wait to bowl on it and see how it goes. My goal is to shoot a high 500, maybe even break 600.

My goal is just to hit 500.
Balls for sale, check them out! Great prices as well!
- Kenny "The Kid" Skidmore
The Bowler's Shop, Anderson IN
      "Now that's MONEYYY!"


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Re: PBA Experinces - and the Paradigm
« Reply #28 on: June 11, 2007, 09:23:17 PM »
Well, increased my average tonight, its steadily coming up. 12 pins higher.

147-162-153 = 462.

Mostly played with the Machine all night. I had some trouble with hanging up in the ball, but tonight I was a lot more consistent.
- Kenny "The Kid" Skidmore
The Bowler's Shop, Anderson IN
      "Now that's MONEYYY!"


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Re: PBA Experinces - and the Paradigm
« Reply #29 on: June 11, 2007, 10:37:47 PM »
I missed my goal by a bit also...shooting a 515 this time around. Two 160-somethings and a 183.

This time around the Chameleon was a lot like, less volume of oil. My Passion last week went straight up 10 and hit like a train...this week straight up 10 and it was crossing over. I took out my Pyro and it went longer, but the back end was insane, way too strong. I needed a ball that picked up the lane earlier, but didn't move at my toes. But when I did hit the pocket, carry percentage was pretty sweet. Pin action was crazy tonight; but my spare game was off. I think buying a plastic ball may be in order to make those pesky 1 pin spares easier.

All in all a good learning weak for having a drier midlane and a great lesson on trust, learning to trust my ball when I swing it out on a PBA shot. Next week is the Cheetah pattern, woo...I wonder what that'll be like.
"This is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules."