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Author Topic: PBA Pattern/Arsenal Question  (Read 1178 times)

xxxxxxxxxxxx MR300

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PBA Pattern/Arsenal Question
« on: April 02, 2010, 04:15:01 AM »
I start my 6 weeks of Chameleon this week and am not sure what balls to take. From What i have heard it is brutal. So I plan on taking 6 balls.

Virtual Gravity
SD73 Pearl
Rapid Fire
Natural(Strike/Spare Ball)

Which of these will be the best since the pattern was changed.

High Game = 299
High Series = 816
Revs/Speed = 300rpm at 15-17 mph
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Re: PBA Pattern/Arsenal Question
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2010, 02:38:06 AM »
I have yet to bowl on the shorter Chameleon, but if it's anything like how the 39 foot version played a few years ago, it'll hook a good amount for ya.  The one thing about Chameleon that is just brutal is how quickly the end of the pattern changes, and how many times it changes before finally settling down a bit.  

What I find to be key for this pattern is utilizing gear which doesn't react harshly to dry boards.  Something which will sort of water down the dry without hitting like a pillow.  I'm a big fan of using 2000 or 4000 Abralon on PBA stuff.  If I need polish to help push the ball down lane a bit, I'll add only a smidge.  Polish will create such an over/under on this pattern, it's almost painful.  

I would say start out with the Invasion/VG depending on what gives you a better look.  I would also get another pearlized ball in that mix too.  Your profile says you have a Gravity Shift I would replace the Rapid Fire with the GS if this were me.  GS is a great ball for these PBA patterns.  

Let me know how it goes, I'm very curious to see what balls match up for ya!  Good luck and hope this helps.
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xxxxxxxxxxxx MR300

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Re: PBA Pattern/Arsenal Question
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2010, 07:36:54 AM »

It is almost as dry as the Cheetah and Viper. I would put it in the catagory of those 2 now that it is shorter. The Scorpion and the Shark look like there is 10 tons of oil compared to the Cheetah/Viper/Chameleon. But just don't leak it right or left towareds the gutter because the you will never see the headpin... Hope this helps...

High Game = 299
High Series = 816
Revs/Speed = 300rpm at 15-17 mph
!!!!!LEFTIES RULE!!!!!
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Re: PBA Pattern/Arsenal Question
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2010, 07:46:04 AM »
The new Chameleon hooks, ALOT! At first, it played fairly easy for me from inside of 15 swinging it out to about 7 at the breakpoint with a Secret Agent at 4000 grit (with about 500 games on it).  Then, after the first game, things began getting very touchy, especially down the lane near the breakpoint.  This pattern does not follow the usual "just chase the pattern left as it breaks down", which makes it tougher than the rest. You actually might have to move right, depending where the carrydown is, because if you try and move left and tighten your line up, the ball will take off, since the pattern is not long enough to provide you with the hold area that Shark and Scorpion do.  Once the carrydown begins to be broken down, then you will then most likely have to jump back left (maybe past your original spot you started at) to take advantage of that hook spot.  Good luck, and don't be afraid to make large adjustments on the lane.  

Dave Lughermo
Michigan State University Bowling Alumni


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Re: PBA Pattern/Arsenal Question
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2010, 07:50:21 AM »
now that i see you are left handed, reverse all those moves "left" and "right" haha, plus the pattern may not break down as fast being as you will not have as many bowlers on the left side.


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Re: PBA Pattern/Arsenal Question
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2010, 01:28:23 PM »
Iirc, the chameleon has the lowest overall volume.  The Viper and Cheetah may be shorter, but has more oil.