Thanks mike, I thought the Reign was more aggressive backend, and the DB will be my ball out of the bag, for the first game or 2.. hopefully, cuz I really like it .. Its been so long since ive bowled, And I have NEVER bowled with more than 1 ball... for everything.( danger zone black ice ) . Now I have a DB, a T zone for the spares, and now am looking at another medium medium-heavy oil ball with a different look so this is quite the change for me , so sorry to everyone for asking so many questions
Heres what I dont get .. A month ago when I got into this again, I thought you needed 4 balls . one for heavy, medium , and light oil, with another for once the lanes started breaking down.. Well Ppl are telling me now, I dont need a heavy oil monster like a 3.5, invasion etc.. And that my DB will be just fine 80% of the time.. So where does the rattler or reign fit in? It just seems like another medium oil ball like my DB but its polished thus just giving a different roll. So Why do you want a polished bal in the bag? Does it look past the front and midlane and just get to the breakpoint more effectively under lane conditions that are broken down ? And if thats the fact, doesnt carry down effect a polished balls performance ?
I guarantee you the Reign is not more ball than the Diamondback. The Reign can definitely hook on clean backends but it gets very good length and on heavier patterns this will show and the diamondback will be the better ball, just by watching reaction it will be obvious which ball would be the one to use.
Just make sure you keep up on maintaining the finish of the cover on the diamondback and the reign, keep them close to box finish to ensure them retaining their characteristics and doing their jobs properly.
Brunswick Diamondback
Brunswick T Zone
Brunswick Danger Zone Black Ice
16.5 mph ball speed
330 Rev
Work in progress