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Author Topic: Phaze II or Daredevil Trick?  (Read 6858 times)


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Phaze II or Daredevil Trick?
« on: March 10, 2017, 11:17:45 AM »
As you may see from my earlier post, I am very very close to pulling the trigger on purchasing a Phaze II based on current feedback. In fact, I plan to get it Saturday. However, last night I was bowling against a Daredevil, and, politely, it made my opponent look like he knew what he was doing. Several pairs down, another new Daredevil was being used and someone rolled his first 300.
I can't see the daredevil or the DDT working for me because the diff is too low for my normal game, but the videos are impressive and the DTT looks very similar to the Phaze II. Now I'm wondering. I know the DDT comes out next week and not many have thrown it, but has anyone actually thrown both balls that can highlight any differences for me? IF anything, I need to make the backend move stronger than what I use now (Vandal, Melee Cross, GB2) if that helps.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2017, 11:19:43 AM by lefty50 »



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Re: Phaze II or Daredevil Trick?
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2017, 11:21:15 AM »
I'm also debating this to play above my Rocketship. Phaze II looks more angular of the two.
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Re: Phaze II or Daredevil Trick?
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2017, 12:01:53 PM »
My pin down Phase II does not seem at all angular off the end of the oil.  However I have only thrown it a few games.   On a broken down 40 foot house shot it was early and and smooth.


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Re: Phaze II or Daredevil Trick?
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2017, 12:55:53 PM »
i wish I could help you compare the two.  I've never thrown a phase 2.  however I love my DDT.  Everything about the ball is great.  just wait the extra few days and get it.  that way, you can be the guy in your league that has the new ball everyone else wants.


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Re: Phaze II or Daredevil Trick?
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2017, 01:03:58 PM »
The good news of your dilemma is either ball will be stronger than what you have now and should help you assuming you're looking for more backend because of there being more oil.

I haven't seen enough to personally recommend the Trick over the Phaze II yet. Every person i know with the Phaze II loves it and it seems to be very versatile.

Don't think you could go wrong with either though


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Re: Phaze II or Daredevil Trick?
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2017, 01:06:50 PM »
IF anything, I need to make the backend move stronger than what I use now (Vandal, Melee Cross, GB2) if that helps.

Videos and reviews ITZPS has done seem to indicate the Phaze II is more angular than the DDT:

Phaze II:

You could always private message him for his feedback.


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Re: Phaze II or Daredevil Trick?
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2017, 01:24:10 PM »
I've seen those vids, thanks. Also looked at the Torrent. I don't know.... They all look the same to me. I can't distinguish much difference. :(


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Re: Phaze II or Daredevil Trick?
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2017, 01:26:57 PM »
I've seen those vids, thanks. Also looked at the Torrent. I don't know.... They all look the same to me. I can't distinguish much difference. :(

Torrent looked like an IQ tour solid with more oil handling but I could be way off.
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Re: Phaze II or Daredevil Trick?
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2017, 01:44:54 PM »
I've seen those vids, thanks. Also looked at the Torrent. I don't know.... They all look the same to me. I can't distinguish much difference. :(

here's the cliché answer.  it all depends on you.  from what I've seen, the phase 2 and the DDT seem similar and the Torrent seems like its a bit more.  but for me, because I was just in this situation not a week ago.  I was looking for a solid that could give me a more rounded roll in oil than my No Rules Pearl.  I was asking about the torrent and the phase 2, but something about them didn't do it for me.  Now me personally, if I don't like the way the ball looks, i'll think it rolls weird.  The Torrent and the Phase 2 just don't look overly appealing to me.

That's when the guy at the pro shop said he had a DDT, he pulled it out of the box.  it's just a gorgeous looking ball.  On top of that, Ive had success with my No Rules Pearl so that brand loyalty showed up.

I do know it's weird, I've always had a mental block since bowling juniors, if I didn't like the way a ball looked, it never appeared to roll nice for me.  I'd have this idea that each shot rolled wrong and it messed with my game.

For me, color and brand are a big thing. Across the companies, there's not a lot of variant in how the balls roll. Each brand has their quirks but they all essentially have comparable balls.

I love my trick, there's people here that love their torrent and there's people that love their phase 2.  It's the little details that will make it a great ball for you.

I have no doubt that all 3 would be great for you.  just go with your gut man


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Re: Phaze II or Daredevil Trick?
« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2017, 01:55:15 PM »
Can't go with my gut. My gut's telling me I don't have enough oil for either one, and should really get the NRP.... :(

In the end, the Torrent would be an interesting experiment, but too high Rg for my game. I think I'll end up with both Phaze II and DDT, one pin up and one pin down. After all, Nats are coming up. Right now, I'm still flipping the coin.


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Re: Phaze II or Daredevil Trick?
« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2017, 02:12:02 PM »
Can't go with my gut. My gut's telling me I don't have enough oil for either one, and should really get the NRP.... :(

In the end, the Torrent would be an interesting experiment, but too high Rg for my game. I think I'll end up with both Phaze II and DDT, one pin up and one pin down. After all, Nats are coming up. Right now, I'm still flipping the coin.

So I can help you with the DDT or NRP.  I cannot throw my NRP in heavy oil  I throw about 16.00 to 16.50 mph with medium revs.  I can use the NRP on anything from medium on down.  granted on light oil, I'm stand left and throw right.

I can throw my DDT on any lane condition.  if it's heavy oil, I generally find a nice line up about 3 on heavy oil with it. it rolls through the oil and crushes the pocket.  when I get to medium, I tend to play about an 8 board swing with it and can peak anywhere between 7 and 10 and it'll come back.  and even light oil, I can play a similar swing to my NRP.  the NRP and the DDT tend to have a similar peak board, it's just deeper down the lane for my NRP


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Re: Phaze II or Daredevil Trick?
« Reply #11 on: March 10, 2017, 02:19:10 PM »
i'll say this.  wait till it comes out.  go to your pro shop. just look at it in person. it's a gorgeous ball. the colors play well together and the writing, it's gold. it just looks amazing. id recommend it based on looks alone. but then you throw it.  and it looks even better.  I've yet to throw a bad game with it.  the only time I'd shoot a low score with it was first game in open bowling trying to find a line, and then when I first got it, I was messing around with it trying to throw different lines to see how it'd react.

I've had it since Friday, used it 4 different nights open bowling. I've already shot 257, a 230 something, and a handful of 220 games with it. it's awesome


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Re: Phaze II or Daredevil Trick?
« Reply #12 on: March 10, 2017, 02:29:23 PM »
Can't go with my gut. My gut's telling me I don't have enough oil for either one, and should really get the NRP.... :(

In the end, the Torrent would be an interesting experiment, but too high Rg for my game. I think I'll end up with both Phaze II and DDT, one pin up and one pin down. After all, Nats are coming up. Right now, I'm still flipping the coin.

If you enough volume for a NRP you certainly have enough for a DDT.
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Re: Phaze II or Daredevil Trick?
« Reply #13 on: March 10, 2017, 02:47:57 PM »
Now I'm a bit confused...North makes it sounds like the NRP handles more oil.. Michael's the other way 'round. ????


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Re: Phaze II or Daredevil Trick?
« Reply #14 on: March 10, 2017, 02:52:50 PM »
Now I'm a bit confused...North makes it sounds like the NRP handles more oil.. Michael's the other way 'round. ????

don't get confused with bigger hook and better for oil.

In my experience, on heavy oil the DDT grips the lane better due to its solid surface, where as the NRP is a pearl, so it skates more and doesn't handle the oil as well.

However on medium and light oil, my NRP grips and rips way more than the DDT.  On medium and light oil, I have to move right if I switch from my NRP to my DDT.

the solid surface allows it to do more for me on oil, but it doesn't hook as hard on medium or light.

does that make sense?